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Troubling News About Trump Peace Plan

President Trump wowed friends of Israel like you and me last year when he recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital. And he did the same just last week when he recognized Israel's claim to the Golan Heights. But now his about-to-be released peace...

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Netanyahu Rips Ilhan Omar

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took a swipe at Rep. Ilhan Omar Tuesday in his speech to the American Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC).

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Trump Makes History Again

President Donald Trump made history today in a White House ceremony officially recognizing the Golan Heights as sovereign territory of the Jewish state of Israel. And friends like YOU helped make it happen.

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Trump to Fox: "Bring back Judge Jeanine"

Judge Jeanine Pirro's top-rated Fox News show disappeared Saturday night and President Trump is calling on the "fair and balanced" network to bring her back.

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Omar Tangles with Trump

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) took on President Donald Trump on Sunday. A Muslim and serial mouthpiece for anti-Semitism, Omar fired back after Trump shared news that some Democrats want to replace her in the next election. "I am sorry Mr....

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Democrats' "Festering Anti-Semitism Problem"

As friends of Israel, you and I face a mounting crisis of anti-Semitism on Capitol Hill. It's a crisis that could rupture America's long-standing friendship with Israel. And one on which we must speak out now.

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Capitol Hill Sit-in Protests Omar's Anti-Semitism

A sit-in to protest Rep. Ilhan Omar's vile anti-Semitism takes place today at the Capitol Hill office of Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Pressure is ramping up on the Speaker to remove Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee, so if you haven't...

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Fox News Rebukes Show Host Over Sharia Law

Fox News rebuked show host "Judge Jeanine" Pirro Sunday after she asked an explosive question about America's most famous anti-Semite, Rep. Ilhan Omar. "We strongly condemn Jeanine Pirro's comments about Rep. Ilhan Omar." Fox News declared....

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Democrats Dodge Omar's Anti-Semitism

After deliberating for almost a week, the Nancy Pelosi-led House Democrats passed a seven-page denunciation of "hate" Thursday without once mentioning the anti-Semite in their midst: Rep. Ilhan Omar. But even if the House had condemned...

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Trump Gives Netanyahu "Thumbs Up"

I want to give you   one last chance to sign our notes of support  before we rush them off to Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Trump. If you've already signed -- THANKS! It's quick and easy to invite a friend to sig n...

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Netanyahu Fights Back

Prime Minister Netanyahu issued an impassioned response yesterday to the criminal charges levied against him by Israel's Attorney General. I share highlights below. And, if you haven't already done so, please sign our note of support to the...

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"Political Hit Job" Targets Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu today blasted what he called a "political hit job," calling just-announced bribery and breach of trust charges against him a "house of cards" that will collapse. See my important update below and stand in prayer...

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