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Netanyahu Fights Back

Prime Minister Netanyahu issued an impassioned response yesterday to the criminal charges levied against him by Israel's Attorney General. I share highlights below. And, if you haven't already done so, please sign our note of support to the...

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"Political Hit Job" Targets Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu today blasted what he called a "political hit job," calling just-announced bribery and breach of trust charges against him a "house of cards" that will collapse. See my important update below and stand in prayer...

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Witch hunts target Netanyahu & Trump

Like President Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is facing a political witch hunt - one that could drive "Bibi" from office and dramatically change Israel's national direction. That's why I'm inviting you to sign two special...

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UN Slams Israel with Absurd Charge

The UN did today what it does best: condemn Israel. This time over the Golan Heights. The UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) accused Israel of depositing radioactive nuclear waste in the Golan Height s--the strategic highlands that stretch...

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Top Democrats--and Bible--Agree on Golan

This might surprise you. Two top Democrats support Israel's claim to the strategic Golan Heights--and so does the Bible. I'll get to Scripture in just a minute...

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Syria Talks Tough to Israel

You’ll  be amazed to learn the U.S. is on Syria’s side when it comes to the Golan Heights—a strip of rocky highlands crucial to Israel’s survival. Which is why I’m asking you to join me in ...

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Big mistake on Israel

This  is crucial. Israel’s very existence depends on a narrow strip of highlands known as the Golan Heights.  But America refuses to recognize   the Jewish state’s  right to this strategic territory...

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Rep. Omar -- Another Anti-Semitic Outrage

Just days after her anti-Semitic tweet claiming Jewish money buys American support for Israel, Rep. Ilhan Omar is facing yet another anti-Semitic controversy. That's why I'm asking you to sign our urgent Demand Letter to Speaker Pelosi. It...

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Rashida Tied to Jew-hater Farrakhan

The day after House Democrats tried to put out one anti-Semitic fire in their camp, another just started, as I share below. That's why it's time for Speaker Pelosi to banish anti-Semitism  from the House Democratic caucus. And the...

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Pelosi to Omar: Enough Already!

It took a vile anti-Semitic tweet but Speaker Nancy Pelosi finally denounced anti-Semitism within her own party today. Her action came 19 days after House Republican Lee Zeldin introduced a resolution condemning...

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This News from Israel Stopped Me Cold

More than two weeks after a Jewish House member introduced a resolution condemning anti-Semitism, Speaker Nancy Pelosi still won’t act. For that reason, I ask you to sign our Demand Letter urging her to bring the resolution to a House...

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Condemn Anti-Semitism

House Democrats are doing their best to duck, dodge, or delay a resolution condemning anti-Semitism. I think you’ll discover why below... –Mat.

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