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Tlaib, Omar, Off to Israel

The Democrat Party's two most notorious anti-Semites take their show on the road next month. With the House August recess starting next week, Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib will soon touch down in the one nation they most...

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Palestinian Fantasy Goes This Far...

With a straight face and on the world stage, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas told the UN in 2018 that Palestinians “are the descendants of the Canaanites who lived in the land of Palestine 5,000 years ago.” A...

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Omar's Anti-Semitism Hits New Low

Rep. Ilhan Omar, the Muslim congresswoman from Minnesota, just targeted Israel . . . again.

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Rashida Smears Israel For "Racist Policies"

It’s not enough for U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib to blast President Donald Trump for fake racism—as she and the entire House Democratic caucus did on Tuesday. (I deplore and condemn racism in any form, but President Trump’s Tweet was...

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Palestinians DOUBLE Terrorist's "Salary"

Palestinian terrorists kidnapped and murdered three Israeli teenagers five years ago. The Palestinian who masterminded this evil attack now sits in an Israeli jail. To thank and reward him for the murder of three Israeli boys, the...

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Rabbi Embraces VP Pence

Vice President Mike Pence made an unannounced visit yesterday to the Poway, California, synagogue where a shooter opened fire last April. Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein met Pence with a hug—his hand still bandaged from the rifle attack which...

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Jesus Was a Palestinian?

Just a few days ago, a Palestinian provocateur named Linda Sarsour announced on Twitter that, despite what you've heard, "Jesus was [a] Palestinian of Nazareth."

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Israeli Court Rules PLO Liable For Terror

An Israeli court issued a stunning ruling Monday. It determined that both the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Palestinian Authority (PA) can be held liable for terror attacks against Israelis in the early 2000s. The...

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Dems Fund Palestinian Terror on Your Dime

Congress returns tomorrow from its Independence Day break. With your help, I want to have a loud, clear and critically-needed pro-Israel message waiting for them when they get back! That's because House Democrats have embedded dangerous...

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Bibi: Iran Trying to "Blackmail" World

Iran defied the world again today. Its president declared that the radical Islamic regime will increase its uranium enrichment "by whatever amount we feel like." That’s a not-so-veiled threat. "They're hoping, that regime, that...

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Trump: Iran Is "Playing with Fire"

A malevolent Islamic power bent on destroying Israel is taking the Middle East to the brink of war. And things seriously escalated yesterday. That’s why Christians need to pray—and why you and I must stand with Israel now ! See my...

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Golden Moment—but It May Not Last

You and I are witnessing the most pro-Israel period in American history. But things could rapidly change with the next election. That’s why NOW is the time to make the most of this golden moment for Israel.

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