Stiff Resistance from Democrats
Donald Trump’s overwhelming victory on Nov. 5 gave him a mandate for America . . . and for Israel. The most pro-Israel president in U.S. history is already making good on the high hopes many Americans and most Israelis harbor for...
Blueprint to Bless Israel
As we embark on a new year, I can think of no better time to bless the land that Jesus walked — Israel. Christians in Defense of Israel has created a 10-point blueprint to bless Israel. We need your help to ensure Congress works with...
He Can Make Good What Was Intended for Evil
God intends good and not evil for Israel and the Jewish people. In the face of implacable hatred against the Jewish state, God is at work. He has returned His people to the land He promised them. His plans for Israel are “for...
Everything Comes Together Here
Everything comes together in Israel — our Christian faith, our Judeo-Christian values, our history and heritage, the past, present, and future — everything revolves around Israel. This small country is no bigger than the state of New...
Dems Already Lining Up to Oppose Israel Plans
Incoming President Donald J. Trump’s staunch pro-Israel cabinet picks — among them, Marco Rubio for secretary of state and Mike Huckabee for U.S. ambassador to Israel — show Trump intends to pursue a vigorously pro-Israel agenda...
An Incredible Opportunity for Israel
President Trump enacted an extraordinary pro-Israel record during his first term, including:
Take Advantage of Trump's Return to the White House
You and I see Donald Trump’s historic victory on November 5 as an answer to prayer and cause for celebration. We’re not alone. Many in Israel feel the same way:
The Kingdom That Never Ends
Across the ages, evil rulers have sought to destroy God’s plans and establish everlasting kingdoms. But God’s plans never fail. Read on for a special Christmas message about the Holy Land.
Holy Days & History Converge
Hanukkah begins at dusk tomorrow night. This is only the fifth time since 1900 that the first day of Hanukkah falls on Christmas Day. Jews around the world will light the first Menorah candle in remembrance of the miracle of oil that lasted...
Evil Surprise for the Holy Land
It’s no flight of fancy to think Joe Biden has an evil surprise up his sleeve. Biden has made his hostility for Israel patently obvious. Since Oct. 7, 2023, Biden has... Imposed tough sanctions on Jews living in Judea and...
The Plan to Use the UN Against Israel
A sea change for the good is about to take place in the U.S.-Israel alliance. President-elect Donald J. Trump is easily the most pro-Israel president in U.S. history. Trump has chosen Mike Huckabee, a man who profoundly loves Israel, to be...
Biden's Lame-Duck Threat
United Nations (U.N.) expert Anne Bayefsky told Fox News that Biden is pushing a “calculated effort to Trump-proof the failed Biden agenda.” And once such a Security Council resolution is passed, she warns, “The Russians...