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Truth in Labeling . . .

After Jordan declared war on the modern Jewish state in 1948, Arabs changed the 4,000-year-old name of the area they attacked in an attempt to eradicate Jewish history and claim the land for their own.

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A Reality Attested

Words matter, and the term “Judea and Samaria” invokes the undeniable, millennia-long reality of Jewish life in the land of Israel . A reality attested by the Bible, history, and accumulating archeological evidence. Even the...

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Abbas Pushes More Lies

The historically false term, “the West Bank,” gives cover to grotesque, bald-faced lies like this one from aging Palestinian tyrant Mahmoud Abbas — a pathetic figure who traffics in laughable fictions on the world stage, like...

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The "West Bank" Is A Lie

The “West Bank” is a term invented by the Jordanian government in 1950. The kingdom introduced the term after it invaded Israel and seized Judea and Samaria. The name change was intended to upend thousands of years of history, erase...

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There has never been a more important time for Christians and Jews to stand in solidarity with Israel and its right to exist as a sovereign nation. Israel and America share a common bond through our history, heritage, and faith. Along with our shared common values, Israel and America also share common threats.

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