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"Not Just A Slogan, It's A Policy"

Iran's cruel dictator, Ayatollah Khamenei, recently declared, "When you chant 'Death to America!' it is not just a slogan—it is a policy."

Yet, inexplicably, Joe Biden wants to give this cold-blooded killer 10 billion dollars.

Christians in Defense of Israel is working with Congress to stop Biden's insane Iran giveaways. But we need YOUR help. Read on. — Mat

Iran is every bit as fixated on destroying America as it is obsessed with annihilating Israel. But oblivious Biden lifts sanctions and sends the genocidal regime billions.

Now Joe Biden wants to give Iran 10 billion dollars MORE in sanctions relief!

You and I must call on Congress now to immediately pass HR 6114 — legislation that imposes severe sanctions on the terrorists in Tehran, starving the terror regime of the funds it needs to enact war on Israel and America.

Support is growing in Congress to force Biden to stop appeasing Iran and enriching the mullahs. As I write, 106 Republicans have co-sponsored a strong sanctions measure, the "Maximum Pressure Act."

It's the "toughest Iran sanctions package ever proposed by Congress," the bill’s authors say. Along with imposing severe sanctions on Iran, the bill diverts the 6 billion dollars Joe wants to give Iran into a fund set aside for the victims of terrorism.

Christians in Defense of Israel STRONGLY supports this robust sanctions measure ... but Congress needs to hear from pro-Israel Americans like you!

Will you please take a minute right now to sign our petition and fax Congress demanding they VOTE YES on HR 6114, the Maximum Pressure Act, which STOP Biden’s Iran appeasement deal in its tracks!

As you do, please include your most generous gift to expand and strengthen everything CIDI is doing to bless and defend the world’s one-and-only Jewish state.

And if it’s been some time since you last donated, may I suggest that now — when the need for CIDI’s pro-Israel advocacy is greater than ever — is a perfect time to make a special year-end gift to help us fight for Israel!

Your generosity fuels this outreach ... and blesses Israel. The Jewish state desperately needs pro-Israel voices like ours. Please prayerfully consider making a special year-end gift to fund our work defending the world’s only Jewish state.

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel



Your generosity enables Christians in Defense of Israel to make a pro-Israel difference in the halls of power in Washington, D.C., the Middle East, and throughout the world. Please stand with us to bless Israel by giving generously.


Said, Summer, Dov Lieber, and Benoit Faucon. "WSJ News Exclusive | Hamas Fighters Trained in Iran before Oct. 7 Attacks." The Wall Street Journal, October 25, 2023.