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Abbas Throws Israel Under Bus at UN

Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas addressed the United Nations (U.N.) on Friday, blaming Israel for wars his own party, the terrorist group Hamas, has started. Despite speaking about “peace” in his address, Abbas rejected Israel’s right to exist and yet again called for a “two-state solution,” a strategy that has repeatedly failed.

A quick check of past and recent history tells a different story than the tall tales told by Abbas on Friday. The Palestinians don’t have peace in mind for Israel at all. Instead, they seek to use the division of Israel as a wedge to attack and try to eliminate Israel … just as they did in 1967, just as they did in 2021 and just as they will do again if Joe Biden allows it.

Today marks the second day of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Jewish tradition says that our actions on this holiday will set the course for the entire year. Let’s be counted among those who support and defend Israel in this Jewish New Year of 5783! Demand the U.S. VETO Palestinian Statehood. Please sign our petition and/or fax Congress today!

Reporting on Mahmoud Abbas’ address to the U.N., Times of Israel commentator David Horovitz noted that “there was no mention that Israel dismantled its settlements and withdrew all its soldiers from Gaza in 2005.” Neither did Abbas mention Hamas’ constant attacks on Israeli civilians, raining bombs, bullets and knife attacks on innocent people trying to make a life in the Holy Land.

And Abbas’ speech claimed to want peace with Israel, but then went on to reject Israel’s very existence as a nation!

Such dissembling is not new for Palestinian leaders. The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) was formed just three years before the 1967 war on Israel. Arabs from around the Middle East met in Egypt plotting to destroy Israel.

Article 6 of the PLO’s 1964 Charter states, “The Jews who had normally resided in Palestine until the beginning of the Zionist invasion will be considered Palestinians.” Accordingly, all traces of independent Jewish existence were to be eliminated, not just in the territories but throughout the so-called land of “Palestine.”

Three years after the PLO Charter was established, the Jewish states’ murderous neighbors began the infamous Six-Day War against Israel. They launched it from the Gaza Strip which is currently under PA rule.

Article 9 of the same charter states, “Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine. Thus, it is the overall strategy, not merely a tactical phase.” For Palestinians, “peace” is merely a tactic in the service of the realization of the overall strategy. Just as in organized combat, attacks may be interspersed with periods of strategic ceasefires intended to solidify gains and prepare for the next stage.

Thankfully, God stepped in, destroying the aggressors’ attempt to obliterate Israel in 1967. In what can only be described as a miracle, outmanned and under-gunned Israel defeated their neighbors and took back the Gaza Strip that the Arabs were using to attack the Jewish nation.

In 1968, the PLO updated its charter, whitewashing their true intentions. But Article 9 remains much the same. In the 1968 PLO charter, Article 9 reads, “Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine ... The Palestinian Arab people assert their absolute determination and firm resolution to continue their armed struggle and to work for an armed popular revolution for the liberation of their country….”

STOP the planned destruction of Israel!

Article 10 of the 1968 charter calls for direct terrorism by all Arabs against Israel, saying “Commando action constitutes the nucleus of the Palestinian popular liberation war.”

Yet, incredibly, at the U.N. on Friday, Abbas tried to claim he sought peace with Israel when just last year his forces conducted war on the Jewish state. Then, just as in 1967, Arabs used the Gaza Strip to attack and attempt to destroy Israel. Abbas went as far as to blame the renewed conflict on Israel, even though Hamas started it with a massive rocket barrage!

Israel needs YOU. Fax Congress today!

The fact is, neither Abbas nor the Palestinians he represents want peace. Nor do they want a two-state solution—at least not a permanent one.

The PLO charter, Abbas’ words and the Palestinians’ ongoing military actions make one thing perfectly clear: For Hamas, a two-state solution is only a stepping stone to the total and final destruction of Israel.

The United States can stop this travesty, simply by using our power on the U.N. Security Council to VETO Palestinian statehood. But Joe Biden has repeatedly made clear whose side he is on—and it isn’t Israel’s side.

Now, you and I must demand that Congress step in and force Biden’s ambassador to the U.N. to VETO Palestinian statehood. Please, defend Israel by faxing Congress and signing our petition!

If possible, please also send a special gift of support for CIDI. Your generosity enables us to make a pro-Israel difference in the halls of power in Washington, D.C., the Middle East and throughout the world. Please stand with us to bless Israel by giving generously.

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel

P.S. I am deeply grateful for your heart for Israel and your gracious support to bless and defend God’s chosen people! Please prayerfully consider supporting our pro-Israel work in Washington, D.C., and around the world with a recurring monthly donation. Our ministry relies on the generosity of Israel supporters like you. Please, take a stand for the Jewish state today!

P.P.S. A two-state solution will bring the end of Israel. Please fax Congress now to demand that the U.S. VETO Palestinian Statehood!


Hirsch, Maurice. “The ‘State of Palestine’ Is Just a Stepping-Stone to the Destruction of Israel.” Palestinian Media Watch, September 12, 2022.

Horovitz, David, “Abbas Asked Why There Is No Palestinian State. the Answers Were in His Speech.” The Times of Israel, September 23, 2022.

Jackson, Kaylah. “Israeli-Palestinian Tensions Erupt into Open Conflict.” Vox, May 17, 2021.

“January 13, 1964 The Palestine Liberation Organization/ PLO/ Fatah.” Center for Online Judaic Studies, October 23, 2018.

“July 17, 1968 Palestine Liberation Organization/ PLO.” Center for Online Judaic Studies, June 26, 2018.

Magid, Jacob, “While Nodding at Lapid's Backing of 2 States, Abbas Says Israel 'Destroying' Chances.” The Times of Israel, September 23, 2022.

“Six-Day War.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, September 21, 2022.

“The Palestinian National Charter.” MidEast Web. Accessed September 27, 2022.