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Are YOU Willing to Live with This?

Joe Biden is about to hand Israel’s worst foe a colossal windfall and a clear path to the most powerful and destructive weapons known to man. But he must get Congress to approve first, and that’s where WE come in.

Israel is in more danger than at any other time in the Jewish state’s history. Please, take a moment right now to Demand Congress intervene and STOP the IRAN DEAL!

Sign our petition and/or fax Congress today, then read on for more critical information. — Mat

Because Joe Biden’s Iran Deal hands Iran a golden ticket to a nuclear future, you can be sure Israel will intervene with massive force to ensure the mullahs never get the Bomb.

“We will act to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear state,” Israeli interim Prime Minister Yair Lapid said last month. “We are not prepared to live with a nuclear threat above our heads from an extremist, violent Islamist regime.”

In contrast to the firm, reasoned position expressed by Israeli leaders, Joe Biden thinks more talk is the answer. He told Lapid in June while he was in Israel, “I continue to believe that diplomacy is the best way” to ensure “Iran never obtains a nuclear weapon.”

Well, how’s that working for you, Joe?

After 18 months of talks marked by Biden giveaways and mounting Iranian demands, the terror state is now at the nuclear threshold.

The ayatollahs have what they need to build four “crude” nuclear bombs—and to field the first one in an estimated three weeks. Meanwhile, their centrifuges are still spinning ... and Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium is still growing.

And if the nuclear pact is signed, Iran will flood its terror forces across the Middle East with weapons and cash. And that includes Palestinians next door to Israel in the so-called “West Bank.”

Together, we need to raise our voices in protest to the U.S. Senate! Even if you have faxed before, please sign our petition and/or fax Congress, demanding they STOP the IRAN DEAL!

We must continue to apply maximum pressure on Washington until the new Iran Deal is DEAD and Israel is safe!

I am deeply grateful for your heart for Israel and your gracious support to bless and defend God’s chosen people!

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel

P.S. Your generosity enables Christians in Defense of Israel to make a pro-Israel difference in the halls of power in Washington, D.C., the Middle East and throughout the world. Please stand with us to bless Israel by giving generously.

P.S. Iran is on the verge of building a nuclear bomb! Join me today in telling the U.S. Senate to STOP THE IRAN DEAL! STAND WITH ISRAEL NOW!


“Clip of Presidential News Conference With Israeli Prime Minister.” C-SPAN, July 14, 2022.

“Iran Nuclear Deal ‘Imminent’ with Crippling Sanctions Removed.” Al Jazeera, August 19, 2022.

Kellman, Laurie. “Israel’s Premier Urges West to Reject Iran Nuclear Deal.” AP News, August 24, 2022.