Bibi Said NO WAY
It took Joe Biden over a month after taking office to contact Israel's prime minister. No U.S. president had ever taken so long to contact our greatest Middle East ally. It took Biden yet another week before he contacted Saudi Arabia, our developing ally in the region.
It has become clear in these last several months that the snubs were, in fact, intentional. From his first day in office, Biden filled his cabinet with rabidly anti-Israel globalists. Instead of cultivating closer relationships with our allies who stabilize the Middle East, Biden and his cohorts sidled up to Iran.
When Israel and Saudi Arabia clamored for the world to listen to nations directly in Iran's crosshairs, Biden tried to demand that Prime Minister Netanyahu stay silent.
And when Hamas hurled over 4,300 shrapnel-loaded rockets at innocent Israeli women and children during last month's 11-day war, Biden tried to demand Netanyahu stop aggressively defending Israel.
Both times, Netanyahu replied, "NO WAY!"
Leadership changed in Israel this week, with Naftali Bennet taking over the PM's office that Benjamin Netanyahu has held since 2009. It remains to be seen how Bennet will react to Biden's continuing folly.
But there is something you and I can do RIGHT NOW to help Israel!
Joe Biden cannot enact a new Iran Deal on his own. Any such agreement MUST be approved by the United States Senate. If the Senate does not agree, it doesn't matter what Biden promised the Iranians. Only the Senate has the power to enter the U.S. into such a treaty or agreement with a foreign nation.
Reports indicate that Biden's team is coming closer to finalizing the Iranian negotiations. We must put as much pressure as possible on the Senate to take a stand against Biden's antisemitic scheme.
Demand every senator STAND WITH ISRAEL and AGAINST Joe Biden's new Iran Deal. Tell the Senate to do everything possible to stop Biden's destructive Iran Deal. Select here or the button below.
Please also consider financially supporting Christians in Defense of Israel. Our staff members on Capitol Hill are working tirelessly to defend Israel against the growing antisemitic sentiments in Congress. Your generous donation helps ensure that Israel's welfare will continue to be well represented in the halls of power.
Finally, I ask that you pray diligently for our foreign policy leaders, as well as the leaders of the Middle East.
"With him is an arm of flesh, but with us is the LORD our God, to help us and to fight our battles" (2 Chron. 32:8).
Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel
P.S. Christians in Defense of Israel works hard in the halls of power in Washington, D.C., the Middle East and throughout the world to defend the nation of Israel. Please be a part of our blessing to Israel today by giving generously.
P.P.S. Don't forget to take a stand AGAINST Joe Biden's anti-Israel Iran Plan! Select here to send your fax now or sign a petition TODAY!
For more information call: (407) 875-1948 • [email protected] • PO BOX 540209 Orlando, FL 32854-0209
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