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A Personal Story As Rockets Rained Down

He wept uncontrollably as the sirens blared. His daughters on the other end of the phone. Jonny was in Poland at the time. The explosions could be heard inside the bomb shelter as the Iron Dome intercepted Hamas-launched rockets from Gaza that were raining down on his family in Israel.

Iran is behind this terror. We must not let them commit another Holocaust. NOT ON OUR WATCH! Read on. — Mat

An Iranian nuclear facility is dark this morning after an attack reportedly executed by Israeli agents. Israel WILL NOT allow Joe Biden to empower Iran’s deadly nuclear agenda.

Tell the Senate to STOP THE IRAN DEAL! Select here or the button below to send your fax now!

Jonny’s gripping story brought me to tears. As I thought about America, I cried. And then I became angry. What happened to my country? I resolved, NOT ON MY WATCH will Iran become a nuclear terror nation!

Here is why my Israeli friend Jonny Daniels was in Poland:

“I’m writing this meters away from where the largest ghetto stood, and just 80 years ago, no one really cared as the Germans and their collaborators murdered 6 million of us. Sure, there were the few, the incredible Righteous who I do more than most to support, but the world didn’t really care. The U.S. didn’t even tell their troops about the concentration camps because they didn’t want to demoralize them to think they were fighting a war to save Jews.”

Iran is behind the Gaza terror many of my Israeli friends are experiencing. The mullahs want another Holocaust. Make no mistake, Iran’s insane leaders will use a nuclear bomb against Israel if we let them.

Israel recently knocked out the Natanz underground nuclear facility in Iran. Iranian officials said the attack sabotaged nuclear centrifuges, disabling the plant. Good!

An Iranian Revolutionary Guard warship used for terrorist attacks was targeted in the Red Sea in what was widely assumed to be a preemptive Israeli attack to thwart Iranian plans for destruction.

America is making Israel stand alone. We must stand with Israel. We must not empower Iran.

And make no mistake, Iran’s plan for Israel—and America—is utter destruction. The radical mullahs of Iran continue to insist that Israel is the “little satan,” and America the “great satan” that must be eradicated from the face of the earth.

The attacks are typical of Israeli politician Naftali Bennett’s “Octopus” doctrine, which takes the fight directly to Iranian targets, not just Iranian proxies like Hezbollah. Originally designed to prevent Iran from launching attacks from Syria, the strategy is now being used to secure the Red and Mediterranean seas from Iranian terror.

Sadly, the Biden administration has chosen a path of appeasement for Iran. Leaked last month, Biden’s plan will all but sacrifice Israel and the whole of the Middle East to the radical Muslim regime.

But WE CAN STOP BIDEN’S MISGUIDED IRAN PLAN! Joe Biden cannot commit America to his new Iran Plan without the Senate’s express approval … and that’s where we can help win the battle for Israel!

We must apply as much pressure as possible to prevent the Senate from approving Joe Biden’s disastrous Iran Plan.

DEMAND the Senate STOP THE IRAN PLAN! Simply select here or the button below to SEND YOUR FAX NOW!

The Israelis’ need for our help is intensifying, and our work in Washington, D.C., and across the globe is becoming more important. Please, help us bless Israel by supporting our vital, God-given mission. Make your gift to defend Israel today.

Please continue to pray for Israel. Joe Biden's pro-Palestinian, pro-Iranian, anti-Israel cabinet members are working overtime to enable Israel's enemies. But we know our Lord is Israel's strong defender. Keep praying!

Mat Staver, Chairman
Christians in Defense of Israel

P.S. Your generosity enables Christians in Defense of Israel to make a pro-Israel difference in the halls of power in Washington, D.C., the Middle East and throughout the world. Please stand with us to bless Israel by giving generously.

P.P.S. Joe Biden is putting Israel at risk in the world's most dangerous neighborhood. And he continues to add anti-Israel bureaucrats to his administration, which is why you and I must speak up immediately. Please send your faxes TODAY!

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