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Israel's Future Hinges On America's Election

Today’s email is the third in a series reviewing Ambassador Friedman’s recent conference on the Abraham Accords. Read on to learn what’s coming next in the Middle East. -Mat

This email is the third in a series concerning a special briefing hosted by U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, which Christians in Defense of Israel was honored to attend. The discussion centered on the vital topic of peace in the Middle East.

Many candidates and administrations have, for generations, claimed to be working for peace in the Holy Land. But as Ambassador Friedman rightly pointed out in last week’s invitation-only briefing, those initiatives failed because of one thing – hubris.

Ambassador Friedman noted that every White House administration, as well as the United Nations, have always employed the arrogant tactic of presuming they know what is best for Israel, and then trying to impose doctrines on this independent nation founded by God Himself.

In contrast, Friedman pointed out, the Trump administration has taken a completely different stance of listening to the Israelis, then assisting Israel in facilitating her chosen policies.

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From moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, (something long promised, but never delivered by past U.S. administrations), to supporting Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, to ending the insane Iran Nuclear deal which emboldened and enriched Iran’s terrorist Mullahs, the Trump administration has accomplished more on behalf of Israel than any president in modern memory.

All previous modern administrations, said Ambassador Friedman, including former Secretaries of State John Kerry, Rex Tillerson and even U.S. Marine General “Mad Dog” Mattis in the office of Secretary of Defense, believed that any one of the aforementioned actions would bring about World War III.

Yet President Trump managed to succeed without firing a single shot!

The Abraham Accords, facilitated by the Trump administration, have done more for peace in the Middle East than any single endeavor in Israel’s modern history.

As I mentioned in my previous message about this extraordinary meeting, being included by the ambassador is further evidence of the way in which the Lord is favoring CIDI’s inspired mission. We have seen a dramatic increase in our influence and impact on issues about which committed friends of Israel like you are deeply concerned.

But we can’t continue our advocacy for Israel without the ongoing financial help of friends like you. Will you make a generous and much-needed donation today?

An interesting point was brought up in the Ambassador’s meeting, which is worth a mention here...

The ambassador noted that on April 26, 2018, Michael Pompeo became America’s 70th Secretary of State. Less than one month later, Israel celebrated its 70th birthday.

Ambassador Friedman did not speculate as to the implications of this correlation, nor will I. But suffice it to say that Secretary Pompeo and President Trump have made more headway in the Middle East in the last two years than any U.S. president and secretary of state in modern times. Not the least of their achievements is ratifying the Abraham Accords.


But what Ambassador Friedman did speculate on is what will happen to Israel if President Trump is not re-elected.

As an active participant in the Abraham Accords negotiations, Ambassador Friedman believes that peace in the Middle East WILL be achieved in a second Trump term.

However, he feels that a change in American leadership now would dismantle all the work that has been achieved to date, and the Abraham Accords will proceed no further.

As U.S. citizens, our vote this election will greatly affect Israel's future. On November 3, the Holy Land is counting on YOU to choose the presidential candidate who will support Israel and complete the work of achieving peace in the Middle East.

Can I count on you to Vote Israel? Select here or the button below.

Finally, please do not forget Ambassador Friedman’s special request to our readers: Pray! Pray for our society, for our beloved country and pray especially for the Lord’s chosen people.

Together for Israel,

Mat Staver

P.S. With your help, Christians in Defense of Israel fights back against attempts to demonize the Jewish state. But we can't do it without you. Will you make a generous and much-needed donation today?