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Peace in the Middle East Within Four Years

This week, CIDI had the honor of attending US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman's briefing on the state of the Middle East. Read on to learn what Ambassador Friedman says YOU can do to help the Holy Land. – Mat
Freidman began the discussion by pointing out that our U.S. Constitution did not create a godless society. Our founding fathers welcomed God into the body politic, from our founding documents to the words printed on our currency.
With that in mind, the ambassador, whose father was a noted rabbinical scholar, discussed the biblical backing and implications for the current Abraham Accords treaty, and how this amazing progress could all be undone on Election Day, November 3.
Ambassador Friedman noted that the book of Isaiah tells us that the Word of God came to inform us how we and our governments should treat one another. Israel delivered that message in Old Testament times and will hold fast to those words now. Israel remains absolutely committed to peace in the Middle East.

Further, Ambassador Friedman believes elusive Middle East peace may be achieved in the very near future. More about that in a moment... but first, I'd like to go over the ambassador's important revelation about the biblical backing for the accords.

The airplane flight between the UAE and Israel this week has historical implications going all the way back to Genesis, said Friedman. Like everything else with Israel, it all began with Abraham.

Abraham had two sons; Ishmael and Isaac, both of whom Abraham loved dearly. The rift between the two brothers greatly pained Abraham, said Friedman.

When Abraham died, Ishmael and Isaac reconciled their differences, fulfilling Abraham's dying wish for peace in his family. From that day on, Ishmael was beloved by Israel.

According to Ambassador Friedman, the Abraham Accords is the modern reconciliation of Ishmael to Isaac.

And that reconciliation is not fully finished, he says. But peace in the Middle East is closer than anyone would have believed even just a few short years ago.

Several more Middle East and Muslim countries are in talks to join the Abraham Accords. Though no names were given to protect the negotiations, Ambassador Friedman indicated that new announcements may be made in the very near future. The only holdouts at present, per the ambassador, are countries waiting to see if President Trump will be re-elected.

Should Trump be re-elected, the ambassador has every reason to believe those countries, too, will join the accords and we will finally achieve peace in the Middle East. Not 100 years from now, not 20 years from now, but within the next Trump administration!

But if President Trump does not win the election, Friedman believes all this progress will vanish and Israel will once again stand alone, surrounded by enemies.

Now, America must decide...

As U.S. citizens, our vote this election will greatly affect Israel's future.

There is much more to this briefing, too much for a single email. I hope you can see what a privileged position the Lord has given CIDI in U.S./Israel relations.

Additionally, CIDI has been invited to the first-ever State Department conference on worldwide anti-Semitism. I will give updates on these important events in my next message, particularly as they relate to Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. We will also have much to share about the Palestinians' position in these matters, an issue I know is very important to you.

Suffice it to say, this upcoming election is the most important in any Israel supporter's lifetime. The options before us are a good chance of peace in the Middle East, or a return to Israel standing alone on the world stage.

Finally, Ambassador Friedman had a singular request of all our supporters: "Our society is in an incredibly dangerous place. The strongest and best possible thing any of us can do is pray".

Can I ask you today to honor Ambassador Friedman’s request? Please, in the days ahead, be in constant prayer for America and Israel.

And please continue to support Christians in Defense of Israel, so that we may continue to uphold and protect God’s chosen people and the Holy Land!

"I will bless those who bless Israel, and I will curse those who curse Israel" (Genesis 12:3).

Together for Israel,

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel

P.S. Christians in Defense of Israel is only able to have this high level of White House and world access fighting for Israel because of the generous donations of Israel supporters like you. Please, help us fight back against attempts to demonize and destroy the Jewish state. Please, make a much-needed donation to support Israel today. Select here