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"Very Bad Day" Coming For Israel, Says Iran . . .

"This year's Quds Day [will be] a very bad day for the Zionists," Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told his cabinet this week. Iran continues to step up the heat as they bully Joe Biden into complicity. But Israel has other plans. Read on for the news, but first take a moment to sign our urgent petition demanding HANDS OFF ISRAEL!


International Quds Day is a so-called "holiday" created to protest the Jewish state's very existence. The annual event was instituted after the 1979 Iranian Revolution and is "celebrated" on the last Friday of Ramadan each year.

In advance of this year's twisted "holiday," Iranian President Hassan Rouhani took the opportunity to once again parade Iran's deep hatred of Israel.

"The Zionists are the enemy of the region," Rouhani told his cabinet, just days after Iran left the Vienna JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) nuclear deal talks with the Biden administration. The Iranian president wasted no time demonstrating how difficult attaining peace in the Middle East might be for Biden and his misguided, anti-Israel State Department.

The Iranian president continued to spew hatred against Israel, referring to them as "the enemy of the nations of the region and the executioners and atrocities of history who have displaced millions from their homes."

A sidebar on the Iranian president's website declares that the "root cause of all the problems that the Iranian nation have traces back to the Zionists." Like an errant child, the Iranian president blames Israel for their current predicament. For instance, Rouhani accuses Israel of undercutting Iran's relations with their Middle Eastern neighbors.

But the reality is that Iran's own actions have undercut their regional and global standing. Decades of aggression and continuing terror activities—funding terror campaigns, training jihadis and attacking both Israeli and U.S. ships—show the world that the ayatollahs have earned Iran's bad reputation.

Further, Iran steadfastly refused to abide by the 2015 deal throughout its term. That's why President Trump pulled out of Biden's old deal and applied heavier sanctions. Had Donald Trump not taken such a strong stance, Iran would likely already have the Bomb ... and Israel may well have been its first victim.

Even now, Iran defiantly continues to violate agreements, both by enriching uranium at levels far greater than they promised in 2015 and by preventing inspections by nuclear regulators.

But Joe Biden keeps pushing his new Iran deal and sources on Capitol Hill say that deal could come within just WEEKS.

Please stand with us now and sign our urgent Hands Off Israel petition!

But while Iran celebrates death, Israel celebrates life!

May 13 will mark modern Israel's 73rd birthday! To help celebrate, I am delighted to make our best Israel educational materials available when you send a gift to support our vital work today.

Our 13-part original TV series, filmed on site, Why Israel Matters, and our beautiful full-color book by the same name are invaluable resources to deepen your understanding of Israel, so please do not wait. Select here or the button below to give now.

With your help, CIDI champions Israel's cause on Capitol Hill and mobilizes nationwide grassroots support for the Jewish state. But we can't do it without you. Thank you for your continued support for CIDI and Israel!

"Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob" (Psalm 114:7).

Mat Staver
Christian in Defense of Israel

P.S. Your generosity enables Christians in Defense of Israel to make a pro-Israel difference in the halls of power in Washington, D.C., the Middle East and throughout the world. Please stand with us to bless Israel by giving generously.

P.P.S. Do not forget to sign the petition! Please select here to sign TODAY!
