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Israel Needs Your Prayers

Three weeks ago, the President of Iran was on his way to America, traveling on a visa approved by the Biden administration to address the United Nations General Assembly. Six billion dollars were in his regime’s bank account by the time he landed.

Before I share my message with you today, I am calling on everyone to pray for Israel. On Saturday, Hamas terrorists from Gaza breached the border fence at the southern tip of Israel along the Mediterranean Sea and slaughtered people gathered at an outdoor concert dedicated to promoting peace. These animals then entered homes, killing innocent people, including women, children, and the elderly. About 130 people are being held captive in Gaza by these terrorists. Israel is responding now with force.

I am in frequent contact with my Israeli friends. Let us stand together in prayer and solidarity. Here on the home front, it is imperative that we do not let the terrorists win. And it is imperative that we fight for life and freedom in America. We must remain strong.

Do not be discouraged by the words you hear in the media. Never give up. Never give in. Keep your eyes on the Lord! — Mat

Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep” (Psalm 121:4).

Three weeks ago, the President of Iran was on his way to America, traveling on a visa approved by the Biden administration to address the United Nations General Assembly. Six billion dollars were in his regime’s bank account by the time he landed.

Standing outside the U.N. building in New York the day before, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters, “This is a great day for Americans.”

Two weeks later, the world would learn that a ring of Iranian spies had penetrated the White House and the Pentagon, influencing Biden’s secret deal with the tyrants of Tehran. Joe Biden’s lead Iran negotiator, Robert Malley, had his security clearance stripped. Despite Kirby’s words, it seems the only one having a “great day” is the newly enriched Ayatollah of Iran.

Read on to learn the latest details on Biden’s latest foreign policy disaster. — Mat

Three weeks ago, Joe Biden’s administration released five Iranian terrorists and 6 billion dollars to the Ayatollah of Iran in exchange for five American hostages. It is the most expensive hostage payment in world history.

But that’s not all. Biden also issued a special visa allowing the President of Iran to come to America, where he would address the United Nations General Assembly. Biden’s multibillion-dollar hostage payment arrived in the Ayatollah’s foreign bank account before the Iranian President reached American soil.

Evidencing the derision with which the Iranian regime regards the befuddled Biden, the Iranian government kicked out 1/3 of the nuclear inspectors that are supposed to be monitoring Iran’s out-of-control nuclear program!

“We’re 43 years into a relationship with this regime,” says Gen. Jack Keane, U.S. Army (Ret.). “This is the regime that blew up our embassies, blew up our barracks, started a hostage-taking campaign almost the first year they took power, and killed our CIA station chief as a hostage.”

All these antics stopped when America had a strong leader in place. But then Barack Obama and Joe Biden came along, shoveling cash at the Ayatollah in delusional hope he would behave.

“We’ve seen 2 administrations take a different approach with Iran and that is to try to appease them, to try to work diplomacy, to try to establish a peace and stable Middle East,” says Gen. Keane, referring to Obama’s 400 million-dollar cash payment and Biden’s latest 6 billion-dollar payment. “That has failed miserably.”

“The only things the Iranians truly respect is resolve and strength, and we’ve seen that when we’ve been willing to confront them,” Keane says.

“The Biden administration came in and almost immediately within the first 30 days began to reach out to the Iranians to go back to the nuclear deal,” says Keane. “The Iranians see that as weakness on the part of the United States.”

As you might recall, upon taking office, Biden waited nearly two months to reach out to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In other words, Joe Biden chose to build relations with Iran instead of our proven ally Israel.

In “stiffing” Netanyahu, says Keene, the Biden administration “sent all the wrong signals for a regime that wants to dominate and control the Middle East and control the flow of oil out of the Persian Gulf.”

That regime also wants to eradicate Israel, the world’s only Jewish state, from the face of the earth. Now, thanks to Joe Biden’s duplicity, he didn’t even inform Congress of the deal until after it was done — and the Ayatollah has 6 billion more dollars with which to complete his nuclear warheads and point them directly at the Holy Land.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough of Biden’s anti-Israel schemes. Please fax legislators now and sign our petition demanding they INVESTIGATE AND EXPOSE BIDEN’S IRAN GIVEAWAY!

The assaults on Israel never end, and neither does our work defending the Holy Land. Please consider making a recurring monthly donation to fund our work defending Israel in Washington, D.C., and around the world. YOUR GIFT is a blessing to Israel and the Jewish people.

May God bless you for standing with Israel!

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel



I ask for your generous and much-needed gift to defend Israel against an anti-Israel White House. Your gift will help us fight the Biden administration’s attacks on the world’s only Jewish state.

Don’t forget to fax Congress. Investigate Joe Biden’s Iran Giveaways!


Weinthal, Benjamin. “Iran Reaps Billions in Payments by Kidnapping Americans, Westerners: Report.” Fox News, September 18, 2023. F