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Obama Agents Try to Sink Huckabee

In the latest move of treachery from the American left, Barack Obama acolytes are actively working to prevent Mike Huckabee from becoming the United States’ next ambassador to Israel.

Don’t let Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett succeed in blocking Mike Huckabee’s nomination as U.S. Ambassador to Israel!

As president, Obama actively worked to impost a two-state solution on Israel that neither the Palestinians nor the Israelis wanted. When he wasn’t trying to rob the world’s only Jewish state of their God-given land, Obama — led by Iran-born Valerie Jarrett — sent billions in cold, hard, U.S.-taxpayer cash to the ayatollah of Iran.

Luis Moreno, Obama and Jarrett’s ambassador to Israel, recently took to X (and any other news outlet that would listen) to decry Mike Huckabee as a “true and utter nutcase.” Painting Huckabee's Christian faith as “fanatic,” Moreno declared that there “couldn't be a more dangerous selection,” for U.S. ambassador to Israel.

"Any chance for a two-state solution, I think, has been diminished with appointment," Moreno told reporters.

In a poll taken just weeks before the October 7, 2023, massacre, only 24% of Palestinians wanted a two-state solution. Further polling reveals that the vast majority of Palestinians believe in a ONE-state solution — a solution in which ALL JEWS are eradicated from the Holy Land.

Yet Moreno and other antisemitic leftists continue to insist: "A fair, equitable two state solution ... is the ONLY way forward."

Obama and Valerie Jarrett tried to impose a Muslim-led vison on the Middle East.

As president, Donald J. Trump is destroying Obama and Jarrett’s pro-jihad, pro-Iran machinations, and instead leading our country and the world in a Judeo-Christian-centric foreign policy.

I can think of no better man to lead that policy in the Middle East that Gov. Mike Huckabee.

But Obama acolytes like Moreno and other pro-Hamas, anti-Israel politicos are doing everything they can to try to stop Huckabee’s nomination.

Republicans hold a very slim lead in the Senate. We must now make more noise than the Israel haters to ensure Mike Huckabee gets confirmed as ambassador to Israel. Huckabee’s confirmation hearing will be held next week, March 25. We have NO TIME TO WASTE! Please, fax Congress now!

As you do, please also consider making a generous one-time donation or even a small recurring monthly donation to support our work. Every day, our staff on Capitol Hill and around the world are fighting for the world’s only Jewish state because we believe God’s Word as expressed in Genesis 12:3. Please, help us continue to bless Israel with your gift today.

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel

P.S. You can also sign our petition, HERE.


Loschky, Jay. “Palestinians Lack Faith in Biden, Two-State Solution.” Gallup, October 18, 2023.

‌McFall, Marni Rose. “‘True and Utter Nut Case’: Former US Ambassador Slams Mike Huckabee.” Newsweek, November 13, 2024.

Pollock, David, and Catherine Cleveland. “What Do Palestinians Want?” The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, July 23, 2021.