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Samaria's Governor Speaks Out On US Bill

The term “Palestinians” referring to an Arab “race” only came into use in the 1960s. Prior to that time, there was no “Palestinian people.”

The term “West Bank,” referring to the area on the western bank of the Jordan River, was only invented in the 1950s. For several thousand years beforehand, the area was known as “Judea and Samaria.”

Even the U.N.’s 1947 Resolution 181, offering a plan to partition the Holy Land between Arabs and Israelis, referred not to the “West Bank” but to “the hill country of Samaria and Judea.”

The term Judea and Samaria invokes the undeniable, millennia-long reality of Jewish life on their ancestral land. A reality attested by the Bible, history, and accumulating archeological evidence.

It’s time the United States started calling the area by its TRUE and HISTORICAL name! Support the “RECOGNIZING Judea and Samaria Act” by contacting Congress today!
STOP the LIES & RESTORE what God gave Israel!
Demand Congress VOTE YES on HR 7552 and S 5431!

The nation of Jordan introduced the deceitful label “West Bank” only after it invaded Israel in 1948 and gobbled up Judea and Samaria. Upon invasion, Jordan changed the name to ERASE ISRAEL and designate its war-gained holdings on the west bank of the Jordan River.

Sadly, the U.S. government has chosen to ignore longstanding, well-documented history to adopt the Arab moniker.

But a movement has now launched to demand “truth in labeling” when it comes to the ancient land where Jesus walked and where so much biblical history took place. And it starts with HR 7552 and S 5431 — the Recognizing Judea and Samaria Act!

“The founding fathers of the United States were influenced by the Bible, which is the reason for biblical names in many cities in the United States,” says Yossi Dagan, governor of Samaria. “Judea and Samaria is not only a matter of historical justice, but also the protective belt of the State of Israel — and therefore also of the United States, which shares our values and the fight against the same threats.”

Use of the name Judea and Samaria “strengthens the Jewish roots in the region and the historical and security alliance between Israel and the United States,” the governor continued.

We need to help Gov. Dagan and the good people of Judea and Samaria! Please support passage of the “RECOGNIZING Judea and Samaria Act” by signing the petition and faxing Congress now!

Now is the time to move forward aggressively to assert the truth about Israel’s biblical right to its God-given land!

Tell Congress: VOTE YES on HR 7552 and S 5431!

And please be as generous as possible to help us give Americans the amazing truth about God’s wonderful land promises to His people, and to expose and refute the absurd lies propagated by Palestinians to rob Israel of its God-given heritage!

Thank you for your partnership and for standing with God’s people by calling for immediate passage of the “RECOGNIZING Judea and Samaria Act”!

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel

P.S. As we move further into the new year, I ask for your generous and much-needed gift to defend Israel in 2025. Your gift now will help us fight the antisemitic attacks on Israel. Please, give generously today!

P.P.S. Join Mat and Anita for our 2025 Gala on April 5 with keynote speaker Congressman Byron Donalds, along with his wife, Erika. The theme is “A New Birth of Freedom.” Register now!


“Congresswoman Tenney Reintroduces ‘RECOGNIZING Judea and Samaria Act’ and Launches Friends of Judea and Samaria Caucus to Support Israel’s Sovereignty.” United States Representative Claudia Tenney, January 31, 2025.