Jihad Is in Our Backyard
The Muslim Brotherhood has a deliberate and multi-phase strategy to impose Islam on the world. And violence is at the heart of the Brotherhood’s plan.
Washington “experts” claim the Brotherhood has long since rejected violence. But the radical group’s chilling motto declares:
Fax the Trump Administration and Congress to demand they
Designate the Muslim Brotherhood a Foreign Terror Organization!
Sign the petition and fax now!
And the Brotherhood seeks Israel’s destruction — “the expulsion of the Zionists from the land of Palestine,” as its Supreme Guide has declared.
The Brotherhood also wants to overthrow America, to force you and me to bend our knee to Allah — the false god of Islam.
A secret Muslim Brotherhood memo, which the FBI discovered in northern Virginia, reveals the Brotherhood’s seditious plan to crush freedom in America.
The 32-page Arabic and English document says the Brotherhood’s “work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within.”
The goal is “sabotaging [America’s] miserable house ... so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
That’s what the Muslim Brotherhood — which operates in the U.S. through a long list of affiliates and fronts — wants for you and me ... and for America.
Or as Muslim Brotherhood supreme leader Mohammed Mahdi Akef said in 2005, the Brotherhood’s mission is “the spread of Islam until it rules the world.”
That’s the Muslim Brotherhood’s vicious game plan — and it must be stopped!
The best way to do that is to pin the richly deserved terrorist label on the Brotherhood.
Will you act today to sign and fax our time-sensitive petition to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization?
As you do, please make a generous gift to help Christians in Defense of Israel fight this battle and others in defense of Israel.
Your support is vital and makes a real difference as we work to rally support for the Jewish state in Washington and across America.
Thank you for your prayers, your friendship, and your generosity to help us fight for Israel!
Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel

For more information call: (407) 875-1948 • [email protected] • PO BOX 540209 Orlando, FL 32854-0209
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