Everything Comes Together Here
The Bible tells us that God will bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse Israel. We take that admonition very seriously here at Christians in Defense of Israel. That’s why we have staff on Capitol Hil and work around the world to ensure America remains in God’s will for the Holy Land.
As we are about to end this historic year and begin a new year, we are grateful for your prayers and support.
Be a part of the blessing with your gift to defend Israel today!
The fact that Israel even exists today is a miracle. In 1948, the modern state of Israel arose out of the smoldering furnaces of Nazi Germany. The ancient cities, the Hebrew language, and the Jewish people who were scattered throughout the world continue to exist against all odds. The Pharaohs of Egypt, the kings of Babylon or Persia, the maniacal Roman emperors, and the brutal Nazi tyrants were not able to extinguish Israel or the Jewish people. Not only have Israel and the Jewish people survived while these other regimes became extinct, but today Israel has become one of the world’s most innovative countries in the areas of business and technology. Much of our modern technology that we rely on daily was invented in Israel.
It is important that we support Israel. The Bible has much to say about how Israel occupies a unique place in God’s economy. In addition to what the Bible says, Israel is our greatest ally in the Middle East. Israel is the only place in the Middle East where religious liberty and democracy flourish. Our Western culture, law, policies, and Judeo-Christian values are rooted in Israel. Indeed, our Christian faith is rooted in Israel and the Jewish culture. Jesus was born in Jewish flesh, and the Bible was written predominantly by Jews.
There is no place on earth like Israel.
Our staff fights every day in the halls of Congress and around the world to defend the world’s only Jewish state, Israel. We cannot do this important work without your financial support. Please, give generously.
May God bless you and your family in this new year!
Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel
P.S. Israel is at war and under assault on the streets and campuses of America. Your generous year-end gift now will help us fight back, answering lies with truth. With your help, we will bless and defend Israel as we mobilize Americans to stand for Israel. Please give generously!

For more information call: (407) 875-1948 • [email protected] • PO BOX 540209 Orlando, FL 32854-0209
Christians in Defense of Israel is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
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