The Kingdom That Never Ends
All around Israel stand dusty monuments to kingdoms their rulers thought would never end. To the West, past the Sinai desert and across the Suez Canal stand massive monuments of brick and stone, pyramids built by the forced labor of Jewish slaves.
Pharoah Thutmose I was the third ruler of Egypt’s 18th Dynasty. During his reign, Thutmose pushed the boundaries of Egypt further than any before him. His strength and power were unmatched at the time, and he ruled with an iron hand.
Thutmose built temples and monuments to himself and his own glory throughout the land. In fact, Thutmose was the first to build a massive tomb in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings. Thutmose carved the monument to his power into the side of a mountain, signifying the permanent power of his kingdom he thought would never end.
Seeking the final elimination of the Jews he had so long enslaved, Thutmose ordered all Jewish boys to be murdered. But not even the most powerful ruler of the age could thwart God’s plan.
Baby Moses, in a humble basket of reeds, was cast into the river and into God’s care, fulfilling God’s plan.
Thutmose’s tomb and the Valley of the Kings stand as dusty attractions, worn by the footsteps of tourists who likely have never even heard Thutmose’s name. The crumbling remains bear witness to the futility of earthly kingdoms in the face of God’s great plans.
Hundreds of generations later, another brutal ruler, Herod the “Great,” accumulated even more power. Like Thutmose, Herod was a sick and evil man driven by lust for power and seeking to establish a kingdom that would never end, on the back of the Jewish people.
Herod built a monument to himself in the side of a cliff. Masada was higher, bigger and stronger than Thutmose’s tomb. And when that was not enough to display Herod’s terrifying, awful power, Herod had an entire mountain, which he named “Herodian,” built as a shrine unto himself. Once again using Jewish slaves, the evil ruler changed an entire landscape to fulfill his lust for glory and demonstrate that his kingdom would never end.
Similar to Thutmose, Herod had heard the prophecies of a Jewish child that would deliver his kingdom to dust. Herod sought to have every Jewish child butchered.
But Mary gave birth to a Savior, in a lowly manger, right in the shadow of that awful mountain and its terrifying symbol of seemingly unbeatable and horrific power. Herod was right to be worried, as the child Mary bore established the one and only kingdom that will never end.
Today, Israel remains surrounded by enemies and powers that seem unbreakable. Not long ago, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett wrote:
“Here in Israel, we are fighting a very visible enemy, radical militant Islam. The terror that begins in Tehran seeks to destroy Israel, dominate the world and drive it into a dark abyss.
“More than ever, Israel stands united with Christians. We’re brothers and sisters. We are united. We won’t let anyone extinguish our light.”
And God will never, ever, allow any ruler no matter how seemingly powerful that ruler may be, to extinguish His people or His power.
Neither Thutmose nor Herod, nor Caesar or even the ayatollah of Iran and his buddy Joe Biden can thwart God’s mighty and beautiful plan.
Today we celebrate the one and only kingdom that will never end, by marking the birth of the King of all kings.
Thank you for standing with Christians in Defense of Israel, as we stand with God’s chosen people to defend the Holy Land. Thank you for your friendship and your heart for Israel.
“Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this” (Isaiah 9:7).
“And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end” (Luke 1:33).
All of us at Christians in Defense of Israel wish you and your family Happy Hannukah and a very Merry Christmas!
Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel

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