UN to Force Worldwide Israeli Arms Embargo?
Congressional Democrats are working overtime to force their anti-Israel agenda on the American people before they lose power in January 2025. That includes attempts to fund their agenda through the upcoming continuing resolution budget battle.
Meanwhile, the United Nations is working overtime to cripple Israel before Donald Trump takes over — including plans for forcing ALL 193 member nations **including the U.S.** to implement a full-scale arms embargo against Israel. This action would prevent Israel from defending itself at all until Donald Trump returns to the Oval Office.
Right now, Congress is negotiating a continuing resolution to avoid a government shutdown just weeks from now. We must ensure that the anti-Israel camp in Congress doesn’t use YOUR money to fund the U.N.’s despicable plans for Israel.
Don’t let the U.N. cripple Israel!
Tell Congress: No $ for the U.N. in the Continuing Resolution.
How does the U.N. plan to use your money? A summit conducted last week in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, may shed some light.
Forty Arab countries met to condemn Israel’s attempts to defend itself against radical Islamists who seek to erase the world’s only Jewish state.
The leaders issued a formal statement condemning, in part, "Israeli aggression against Lebanon and the violation of its sovereignty and the sanctity of its territories."
Of course, those Arabs made no mention of the hundreds of rockets per day that the Lebanese government has allowed Hezbollah to launch from its borders into the heart of Israel.
The letter also blasted "the horrific and shocking crimes committed by the Israeli occupation army in the Gaza Strip.”
Yet, not once did the Arab leaders discuss how Hamas has used the Gaza Strip and United Nations facilities to commit open warfare against Israel, as well as the rape, torture, and murder of Israeli Jews.
The letter proposed that Israel be frozen out of the United Nations, as well as have an immediate arms embargo implemented against the Jewish state.
An immediate arms embargo by the U.N. would prevent ANY of the 193 U.N. member nations from supporting Israel’s attempt to defend its people from the Arab assault being waged on no less than seven different fronts.
The United States is the single largest funder of the United Nations.
I have no doubt that Donald Trump will put an end to this madness when he takes office. However, Israel may not have that much time. The U.N. is clearly out to cripple Israel before Donald Trump even sets foot back in the Oval Office.
We cannot allow Biden and Harris’ anti-Israel allies to fund that destruction with our tax dollars.
Fax Congress NOW and demand they REFUSE to FUND the U.N. in the continuing resolution budget battle!
As you do, please consider making a special donation to help CIDI defend Israel in this time of profound crisis. Every day our staff is busy at work on Capitol Hill and around the world advocating for Israel and the Jewish people. But we cannot do this important, God-ordained work without your financial support. Please donate today to help make a difference for the Holy Land.
Thank you for your much-appreciated friendship. Together, let’s pray for God’s people and stand with Israel in her time of need.
Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel
P.S. Help us defend Israel in 2024. Your recurring monthly donation will help us fight for Israel’s very survival in the face of a hostile Biden-Harris administration.
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“Riyadh Summit Calls for End to Wars, Israel to Be Frozen out of UN.” DPA, November 11, 2024. Yahoo.com/news/riyadh-summit-calls-end-wars-205728679.html.palestine-israel.html.

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