Biden Tries to "Trump-Proof" Israel Agenda
The threat is real. When the Jewish News Agency asked if Biden may, like Obama, stage a “December Surprise” against Israel at the U.N., a State Department spokesman refused to rule it out last month.
Back in 2016, the Trump transition team mobilized to stop an Obama bid to impose a two-state “solution” on Israel. This time around, Biden reportedly wants to make it happen.
You and I must stand in the way. And time is short. Please act today:
- Sign our “Block Biden’s ‘December Surprise’” demand letter to Speaker Mike Johnson, new Senate Majority Leader John Thune, and all of Congress.

U.N. expert Anne Bayefsky told Fox News that Biden is pushing a “calculated effort to Trump-proof the failed Biden agenda.”
And once such a Security Council resolution is passed, she warns, “the Russians and the Chinese would veto any attempt to revoke it.”
For that reason, Bayefsky, president of Human Rights Voices, stressed that:
Americans of all political stripes need to remind President Biden’s lame-duck administration that they didn't come out to vote only to hand over control to the Russians, the Chinese and the United Nations.
Time is very short. You and I need to make our voices heard now.
As you do, I ask you to stand generously with CIDI as we call on Americans to support Israel and work on Capitol Hill to safeguard Israel against Biden’s plot to sabotage the Jewish state.
Thank you for your much-appreciated friendship. Together, let’s pray for God’s people and stand with Israel in her time of need.
Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel
P.S. Help us defend Israel in 2025. Your recurring monthly donation will help us fight for Israel’s very survival in the face of a hostile Biden-Harris administration. To sign a petition, select HERE.
“United Nations Resolution 2334 (2016).” United Nations Security Council, December 23, 2016. UN.org/webcast/pdfs/SRES2334-2016.pdf.
Weinthal, Benjamin. “Could Biden Copy Obama with December Surprise at UN to Punish Israel’s Netanyahu?” Fox News, November 15, 2024. Foxnews.com/world/could-biden-copy-obama-december-surprise-at-un-punish-israels-netanyahu.

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