Biden Plans Obama-Like Last-Minute Attack. . .
Now, in his final days at the White House, close observers of Israel expect Joe Biden to weaponize the U.N. against the Jewish state — much as Barack Obama did as his presidency came to a close.

In 2016, Obama engineered passage of the fiendishly anti-Israel U.N. Security Council Resolution 2334.
This parting shot against Israel deems the Temple Mount, as well as Jewish neighborhoods in eastern Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria to be “a flagrant violation under international law and a major obstacle” to peace.
Under Obama, the U.S. refused to veto this anti-Israel poison pill. As a result, it is now permanently binding international law.
STOP Biden’s last-minute plan to DESTROY ISRAEL!
And now that it is approved, Russia and China, which have veto power at the U.N. Security Council, will block any attempt to remove it. That gives the U.N. and the international community diplomatic cover to attack Israel for allegedly violating international law when its people merely live on their God-given land!
Biden may repeat Obama’s attack and go even further. Israeli commentator Caroline Glick expects Biden to drive forward a U.N. Security Council resolution imposing a two-state “solution” on Israel.
That so-called fix will carve up Israel’s God-given land, creating two states — one for Jews and the other for Palestinians who want to erase Israel from its God-given land.
Biden wants to reward Israel’s genocidal enemies with their own sovereign terror state right next door to Israel. And if Israel doesn’t go along, the resolution is expected to carry stiff sanctions on the Jewish state.
There is no time to waste! Please, fax Congress now.
As you do, I ask you to stand generously with CIDI as we call on Americans to support Israel and work on Capitol Hill to safeguard Israel against Biden’s plot to sabotage the Jewish state. Every day, our staff in Washington, D.C., and around the world are advocating for the Holy Land. But we can only do this important work with your support. Support Israel by funding our work today.
Thank you for your much-appreciated friendship. Together, let’s pray for God’s people and stand with Israel in her time of need.
This parting shot against Israel deems the Temple Mount, as well as Jewish neighborhoods in eastern Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria to be “a flagrant violation under international law and a major obstacle” to peace.
Under Obama, the U.S. refused to veto this anti-Israel poison pill. As a result, it is now permanently binding international law.
STOP Biden’s last-minute plan to DESTROY ISRAEL!
And now that it is approved, Russia and China, which have veto power at the U.N. Security Council, will block any attempt to remove it. That gives the U.N. and the international community diplomatic cover to attack Israel for allegedly violating international law when its people merely live on their God-given land!
Biden may repeat Obama’s attack and go even further. Israeli commentator Caroline Glick expects Biden to drive forward a U.N. Security Council resolution imposing a two-state “solution” on Israel.
That so-called fix will carve up Israel’s God-given land, creating two states — one for Jews and the other for Palestinians who want to erase Israel from its God-given land.
Biden wants to reward Israel’s genocidal enemies with their own sovereign terror state right next door to Israel. And if Israel doesn’t go along, the resolution is expected to carry stiff sanctions on the Jewish state.
There is no time to waste! Please, fax Congress now.
As you do, I ask you to stand generously with CIDI as we call on Americans to support Israel and work on Capitol Hill to safeguard Israel against Biden’s plot to sabotage the Jewish state. Every day, our staff in Washington, D.C., and around the world are advocating for the Holy Land. But we can only do this important work with your support. Support Israel by funding our work today.
Thank you for your much-appreciated friendship. Together, let’s pray for God’s people and stand with Israel in her time of need.
Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel
P.S. Help us defend Israel in 2025. Your recurring monthly donation will help us fight for Israel’s very survival in the face of a hostile Biden-Harris administration. To sign a petition, select HERE.
“United Nations Resolution 2334 (2016).” United Nations Security Council, December 23, 2016

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