Biden's Foul-Mouthed Curses on Netanyahu!
Donald Trump won but Joe Biden is still in the White House. And he may be hatching a December Surprise at the UN to attack Israel and “Trump-proof” future U.S.-Israel relations.
Donald J. Trump, the most pro-Israel president EVER is just weeks away from a historic return to the White House. But Joe Biden is not yet out the door. And he may have a “December Surprise” in the works to cap four long years of backstabbing Israel.
Joe Biden’s time is almost up, but in the few short weeks he has left, Biden may put the finishing touches on his flagrant record of hostility against the Jewish state.
You and I, as friends of Israel, must act. And because time is short, I am asking you to do two things now . . .
First, join me in congratulating President Donald J. Trump and, second, call on Speaker Mike Johnson and new GOP Senate Majority Leader John Thune to block Biden’s last gasp attack on Israel.
It’s bad enough that Biden wasted much of his White House tenure in a foolhardy and utterly failed bid to renew the Iran nuclear deal.
Despite Biden’s groveling and giveaways—including billions in sanctions relief to the world’s foremost terror state—the tyrants of Tehran are now at the nuclear threshold.
To add to Biden’s anti-Israel legacy, he harbored thinly veiled hostility toward Israel’s elected leader, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Joe Biden reportedly uses profanity-littered speech to malign Netanyahu, calling him a “f---ing liar,” a “son of a b----” and “a bad f---ing guy.”
When Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) denounced Netanyahu on the Senate floor, labeling him an “obstacle to peace” and calling for new Israeli elections, Biden approved, saying Schumer “made a good speech.”
But now as America awaits President Donald J. Trump’s return to office, Biden is reportedly scheming a malign “December Surprise” against Israel.
There is no time to waste! Please, fax Congress.
As you do, I ask you to stand generously with CIDI as we call on Americans to support Israel and work on Capitol Hill to safeguard Israel against Biden’s plot to sabotage the Jewish state. In thanks for your gift of $35 or more, I want to thank you by sending you a powerful answer to the lies fueling mounting hate for Israel in America today: Big Lies: Answers to the TOP 10 slanders, smears and libels against Israel.
Thank you for your much-appreciated friendship. Together, let’s pray for God’s people and stand with Israel in her time of need.
Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel
P.S. Help us defend Israel in 2025. Your recurring monthly donation will help us fight for Israel’s very survival in the face of a hostile Biden-Harris administration.
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Berman, Lazar. “‘Bibi, You’ve Got No Strategy’: Biden Said to Yell at Netanyahu, and Call Him ‘Liar’ and ‘Son of a Bitch.’” Times of Israel, October 8, 2024. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/bibi-youve-got-no-strategy-biden-said-to-yell-at-netanyahu-and-call-him-liar-and-son-of-a-bitch/.
Kelly, Laura. “Biden Called Netanyahu ‘a Bad F—Ing Guy’: Woodward Book.” The Hill, October 8, 2024. https://thehill.com/policy/international/4921917-biden-netanyahu-gaza-war-frustration/.

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