UNRWA's Torture Camp
Shocking footage just recovered from closed caption TVs within UNRWA’s Jabalia facilities shows the U.N. organization allowed Hamas to use the building as a torture chamber for Palestinians.
The videos show Palestinian men accused of homosexuality, adultery, or supporting Israel being hung upside down, their feet shackled to the ceiling, as Hamas terrorists beat them mercilessly.
The footage was seized from the computers Hamas left behind when they fled the compound.
No wonder Joe Biden and the U.N. didn’t want Israel Defense Forces going into Gaza! The U.N.’s very own Gaza camps are being used as Hamas torture chambers!
RIGHT NOW, Congress is negotiating a continuing resolution to fund government expenditures through March 2025. Don’t let Congress give the U.N. even one more red cent to fund Hamas’ terror and torture camps! Fax Congress now!
Some of Hamas’ torture victims managed to escape and are now telling their heart-wrenching stories.
“They put me in a tiny room,” says a man named Abdul, who managed to escape to Egypt. “They wouldn't let me sleep or go to the bathroom inside. There was no food. They would torture me so badly. Sometimes, they would tie my feet up and beat them with a stick. After that, every few years, they would arrest me and torture me in the same way.”
“They would torture you until you broke and say whatever it is they wanted,” says 27-year-old Hamza Howidy, who was tortured for protesting the Palestinian Authority’s abuses in Gaza. “I could hear my fellow protesters scream in the next room.”
The U.S. is the single largest funder of the United Nations. And the United Nations has used that money to become the single largest promoter of anti-Israel terror.
Biden and Harris continue to make their pro-Hamas and anti-Israel position clear. But Congress holds the purse strings!
Israel can’t afford to wait for Donald Trump to return to the White House. House and Senate Democrats are trying right now to find ways to continue funding the U.N.’s atrocities before Trump takes over.
We must stop them!
All who love Israel must rise as one and demand that Congress REFUSE to give the Israel-hating, Hamas-harboring U.N. even one more cent of American tax dollars.
Not one red cent! No funding for the U.N.!
As you do, please consider making a special donation to help CIDI defend Israel in this time of profound crisis. Every day our staff is busy at work on Capitol Hill and around the world advocating for Israel and the Jewish people. But we cannot do this important, God-ordained work without your financial support. Please donate today to help make a difference for the Holy Land.
Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel
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Lisbona, Natalie. “Shackled and whipped with canes: Israel uncovers 'thousands of hours' of sickening footage showing Hamas interrogators torturing innocent Palestinians.” Daily Mail, November 9, 2024. Dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14063545/gaza-hamas-torture-palestine-israel.html.

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