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UN Chief BANNED from Israel

Rosh Hashana, the beginning of the Jewish high holidays, began at sundown Wednesday and will last until sundown Friday evening. Known biblically as Yom Turuah, the holiday marks the “head of the year” and celebrates God’s creation of the world.

This year in Tel Aviv, the shofars traditionally blown to announce the New Year were nearly drowned out by the sound of Iranian ballistic missile fire.

But the Jewish people of Israel were not deterred. The shofars sounded across the country, calling families to feasts and celebrations.

But there is one person who is not welcome in Israel’s celebrations this year.

Right now, Congress is negotiating funding measures — let's make sure they don’t fund the anti-Israel U.N.

Tired of being blamed, maligned, and punished for daring to defend their own people, the nation of Israel has BANNED United Nations Chief António Guterres from entering the Holy Land!

Wednesday morning, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz declared Guterres to be “persona non grata” for his failure to unequivocally condemn Iran’s most recent attacks on the Jewish state.

"Anyone who cannot unequivocally condemn Iran's heinous attack on Israel, as almost every country in the world has done, does not deserve to step foot on Israeli soil," Katz declared.

Katz noted, too, that the U.N. chief has also refused to condemn the horrific Hamas massacre of October 7, and has resisted any attempt to formally label Hamas a terror organization.

"A Secretary-General who gives backing to terrorists, rapists, and murderers from Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and now Iran — the mothership of global terror — will be remembered as a stain on the history of the U.N.," Katz said.

"Israel will continue to defend its citizens and uphold its national dignity, with or without António Guterres," the foreign minister concluded.

If Israel can ban the U.N. chief, so can the U.S. At the very least, we should immediately stop sending American tax dollars to prop up this globalist regime operating right on our shores.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris sent an eye-popping 18.1 billion of American tax dollars to the U.N. last year alone. That’s more than triple the amount of dues the U.S. “owes” the U.N., and it’s more than double what any other country in the world contributes. And we allow this hateful club of antisemites to operate right here in America, in New York City. Your tax dollars pay for that too!

To borrow Prime Minister Netanyahu’s words while addressing the U.N. just last week, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

We have the power to stop the U.N.’s globalist, anti-Israel ways simply by refusing to send these antisemites even one more penny of American taxpayer dollars.

Tell Congress to DEFUND the Iran-enabling U.N.!

As you do, please consider making a special donation to help CIDI defend Israel in this time of profound crisis. Every day our staff is busy at work on Capitol Hill and around the world advocating for Israel and the Jewish people. But we cannot do this important, God-ordained work without your financial support. Please donate today to help make a difference for the Holy Land.

Finally, please pray for the people of Israel. They are now under attack on all sides.

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel

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"Full Text of Netanyahu’s UN Speech: ‘Enough Is Enough.’” The Times of Israel, September 27, 2024.

Heller, Mathilda. “Foreign Minster Katz Bans UN Secretary General from Entering Israel.” The Jerusalem Post, October 2, 2024.

Schaefer, Brett D. “Biden Sets Record on U.S. Taxpayer Funding for an Unappreciative U.N.” The Heritage Foundation, November 28, 2023.