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Iran Attacks Israel

Just one week ago, terror apologists and globalists in the media and at the United Nations nearly tripped over each other to celebrate the “measured tone” of Iran’s new leader, President Masoud Pezeshkian.

Pezeshkian was granted special permission by the Biden-Harris regime to enter the United States and address the United Nations General Assembly in New York City. In his September 24 address to the global body, Pezeshkian claimed to want to open a new “constructive” chapter for international relations.

Seven days later, Iran attacked Israel, raining missiles down upon Tel Aviv as civilians slept.

Tell Congress to DEFUND the Iran-enabling U.N.!

Same old Iran, same old U.N.

After 359 straight days of being bombed by over 8,000 Hezbollah rockets, Israel had the temerity to push back on Monday, September 30, forcing the Iranian terror proxies away from the Lebanese border.

In retaliation, Iran attacked Israel directly the following night, firing missiles into the heart of Tel Aviv.

As usual, the U.N. doesn’t want Israel to fight back. “We absolutely need a ceasefire,” U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres posted October 1 on X.

Guterres has been trying to stop Israel from defending itself since Iranian terror proxy Hamas attacked on October 7, 2023. Since that time, Iran has used its proxies to launch a war on seven fronts for the Israelis. And now Iran is attacking Israel directly.

The United Nations has been coddling Iran for years, enabling the ayatollah to expand his nuclear arsenal and his regional power right under the U.N.’s nose. Sadly, we’ve been paying for it.

The United States gives the U.N. exponentially more money than any other country in the world. Instead of promoting peace, that money is being used to prop up terror and destroy Israel.

  • YOUR MONEY has been used to create UNRWA textbooks instructing Palestinian schoolchildren that Jews are pigs whose necks are meant to be slit.

  • YOUR MONEY has been used to pay U.N. employees who are not only active members of Hamas but who also assisted in the October 7 massacre.

  • YOUR MONEY is being used to pay lifetime pensions to Palestinians who kill Jews.

  • And just weeks ago, on our very own soil, the U.N. used YOUR MONEY to pass a resolution demanding every single Jew be evicted from Old Jerusalem and the Israeli heartland.

It’s time we stop paying for the U.N.’s racist antisemitism.

Please, join me now in demanding Congress DEFUND the U.N.!

As you do, please consider making a special donation to help CIDI defend Israel in this time of profound crisis. Every day our staff is busy at work on Capitol Hill and around the world advocating for Israel and the Jewish people. But we cannot do this important, God-ordained work without your financial support. Please donate today to help make a difference for the Holy Land.

Finally, please pray for the people of Israel. They are now under attack on all sides.

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel

P.S. Help us defend Israel in 2024. Your recurring monthly donation will help us fight for Israel’s very survival in the face of a hostile Biden-Harris administration.

P.P.S. Give your children and grandchildren the Judeo-Christian education they deserve. We’ve made homeschooling easy, AND high school graduates also receive an associate degree from an accredited Christian university. Check out our Covenant Journey Academy today. CJ.Academy.

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Aydogan, Merve. “UN Chief Condemns ‘Broadening of Middle East Conflict’ amid Iranian Attacks against Israel.” AA, October 1, 2024.

"Full Text of Netanyahu’s UN Speech: ‘Enough Is Enough.’” The Times of Israel, September 27, 2024.

‌Schaefer, Brett D. “Biden Sets Record on U.S. Taxpayer Funding for an Unappreciative U.N.” The Heritage Foundation, November 28, 2023.