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Operation Below the Belt

You and I were astonished at “Operation Below the Belt,” the ingenious and highly targeted attack that turned Hezbollah-issued pagers and walkie-talkies into explosive devices.

Israel didn’t take credit for the brilliant initiative, but it is widely assumed to be behind the precise and simultaneous assault that killed some 37 terrorists and maimed thousands of militants.

So how did the U.N. react? Very few civilians were harmed by what some have called the “Grim Beeper.” But the U.N. blamed Israel almost immediately.

Stop funding the U.N.’s anti-Israel attacks! Right now, Congress is negotiating upcoming funding measures. Let’s make sure not another dime of our money goes to the globalist body bent on eliminating Israel.

Volker Türk, the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, was “appalled” by the attack on Iran-backed Hezbollah operatives whose mission is Israel’s annihilation.

Türk added that Israel may have committed a “war crime” and called for an “independent, rigorous and transparent” investigation.

Hezbollah has been relentlessly bombing innocent Israelis — Arabs and Jews alike — with hundreds of bombs per day, every single day since October 7, 2023. That’s 355 days of non-stop bombings.

Yet, when Israel took measures to identify and eliminate the terrorists wreaking this hell upon civilians, Israel is blamed.

Now the U.N. is taking revenge, passing a resolution that demands Jews be evicted from their ancestral homelands, including from Judea, Samaria, and even Jerusalem itself!

Instead of evicting Jews from their homeland, perhaps Americans should evict the U.N. — which is headquartered in New York City — from our homeland.

Please, join me now in demanding Congress DEFUND the U.N.!

As you do, please consider making a special donation to help CIDI defend Israel in this time of profound crisis. Every day our staff is busy at work on Capitol Hill and around the world advocating for Israel and the Jewish people. But we cannot do this important, God-ordained work without your financial support. Please donate today to help make a difference for the Holy Land.

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel

P.S. Help us defend Israel in 2024. Your recurring monthly donation will help us fight for Israel’s very survival in the face of a hostile Biden-Harris administration.

P.P.S. Give your children and grandchildren the Judeo-Christian education they deserve. We’ve made homeschooling easy, AND high school graduates also receive an associate degree from an accredited Christian university. Check out our Covenant Journey Academy today. CJ.Academy.

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Berman, Lazar. “UN General Assembly Demands Israeli Pullout from Palestinian Areas within 12 Months.” The Times of Israel, September 18, 2024.

“Disrespect for International Law Is a Matter of International Peace and Security, High Commissioner Türk Tells the UN Security Council.” United Nations, September 20, 2024.

‌Wagenheim, Mike. “UN General Assembly Passes Resolution Calling for Jerusalem Old City to Be Jew-Free.” Jewish News Syndicate, September 18, 2024.