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Stop Funding this Madness

Speaking to the Turkish Parliament in August, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas eulogized the late Hamas terrorist Ismail Haniyeh and pilloried the United States. “America is the plague and the plague is America,” Abbas told Turkey’s parliament, which answered with applause.

Despite that insult, the Biden/Harris administration has given the Palestinians 674 million dollars so far this year. And successive U.S. administrations have shipped a total of 5 billion in U.S. taxpayer dollars to the Palestinian Authority and entities it controls since 1994.


In addition, the Abbas-run Palestinian Authority:

  • Pays millions to terrorists and their families — cash that rewards terrorists for attacks that kill and maim Israelis.

  • Celebrates acts of terror by the U.S.-trained and -funded Palestinian Authority Security Forces.

  • Has the core mission of eliminating Israel “from the river to the sea.”

  • Incites malignant hate for Jews and Israelis through Palestinian Authority media and schools.

  • Advocates cruel sharia law. As Abbas told Turkish lawmakers: "We adhere to shari'a law: Victory or martyrdom."

  • Runs a police state that oppresses Palestinians with torture and arbitrary arrest, according to a report from the anti-Israel group Human Rights Watch.

In the face of all this, the Biden/Harris administration funnels hundreds of millions into Palestinian hands, violating U.S. law that prohibits such aid as long as the Palestinians pay terrorists to attack Israelis. Biden/Harris ignores the Palestinian Authority’s genocidal ambitions and wants a “revitalized” Palestinian Authority to govern in Gaza once the defeat of Hamas is secured.

Congress must put an end to the madness. Congress must slash aid to zero for the Palestinian Authority. It makes no sense to send taxpayer millions overseas to a terror-supporting entity that publicly flouts its hate for America, even as it deposits nine-figure checks from the U.S. Treasury.

Please take a moment to sign our petition and fax Congress now, demanding House and Senate leaders to immediately slash all aid to the Palestinian Authority and its controlled entities, including the Palestinian Authority Security Forces, some of whose members commit terror when “off the clock.”

As you do, please consider making a special, tax-deductible gift to Christians in Defense of Israel. Your gift now will help CIDI make the case across America and on Capitol Hill for a complete halt to all funding to the Palestinian Authority — an Islamic supremacist terror outfit that hates America almost as much as it hates Israel.

Finally, please continue to pray for Israel and her people.

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel
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And don't forget to sign our petition!


Daraghmeh, Mohammed. “Human Rights Watch: Palestinians Crush Dissent with Torture.” AP News, October 23, 2018.

‌“Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas Prays for the Soul of ‘Martyr’ Ismail Haniyeh in Turkish Parliament Speech.” Middle East Media Research Institute, August 15, 2024.

‌“Why Did US President Joe Biden Visit Bethlehem in Israel?” The Jerusalem Post, July 22, 2022.