The "Challenge" Democrats Don’t Want to Talk About
The newly coronated Kamala Harris’ pick for her vice-presidential running mate was, according to Democratic Party icon Van Jones, based almost entirely on the influence of “anti-Jewish bigotry.”
The candidate that would have made the most sense, from an electoral college standpoint, is PA Gov. Josh Shapiro, whose state holds 19 electoral votes. But there was just one problem, as far as Team Kamala was concerned — Gov. Shapiro is Jewish, and when he was in his 20s, he supported Israel.
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Instead of Shapiro, Harris chose MN Gov. Tim Walz, a politician who has paid lip service to the horrors of October 7, while insisting upon a cease-fire that would strategically cripple Israel from defending itself. Minnesota only offers 10 electoral votes.
“You can be for the Palestinians without being an anti-Jewish bigot, but there are some anti-Jewish bigots out there,” said Jones following the announcement. “And there has to be conversations about how much of what just happened is caving into some of these darker parts in the party.”
“So, here’s the challenge you’ve got in this party,” Jones continued, “and people don’t want to talk about it.”
Former Democratic National Committee Chair and sitting Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz noticed the snub even before the official selection was announced.
“It has been very noticeable that of all of the people that she [Harris] is carefully considering that the only Jewish candidate is getting excruciating, very specific scrutiny,” said Wasserman-Schultz, who noted the bias is “deeply concerning.”
It is time for the Democrat Party to openly declare its intentions. That’s why I am asking you to sign our petition demanding each of the major candidates running for president sign our pledge to support and defend Israel.
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Roy, Yash. “Van Jones calls for conversation about ‘anti-Jewish bigots’ after Walz picked over Shapiro.” The Hill, August 6, 2024. Thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4813529-van-jones-kamala-harris-tim-walz-josh-shapiro-antisemitism-criticism/.

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