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God Have Mercy: Secret Service to Guard Bibi!

Your urgent prayer is needed for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sarah, as they visit the United States this week ... because the U.S. Secret Service is assigned to protect them!

As you know, the prime minister arrived in Washington, D.C., on Monday afternoon. Netanyahu is scheduled to meet with Joe Biden on Tuesday, and to address a special joint session of Congress on Wednesday — the U.S. Secret Service has been tasked with protecting him during his many events.

If you happened to watch the news Monday, Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle was dragged before Congress to explain just how her agency failed to prevent the attempted assassination of President Trump 11 days ago.

In a stunning display of incompetence and contempt, Cheatle could not offer the most basic explanation for her agency’s failures. Worse yet, in the 11 days since the attempt and several days since being ordered to testify, Cheatle was still apparently in the dark as to what happened and how. She could not even state a single thing that went wrong leading up to the shooting. Thankfully, after being called to account, Cheatle resigned yesterday.

Still, this DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)-driven agency is charged with overseeing the protection of Prime Minister Netanyahu while he is in the U.S.

May God have mercy.

Please, fax Congress now. Demand they act BEFORE Biden’s incompetence can harm Bibi or Israel!

And make no mistake — Bibi is in grave danger.

Netanyahu’s visit comes as Israel fights a war on THREE fronts — against Hamas butchery in Gaza, Hezbollah’s rockets and deliberately set wildfires on the northern borders, and the Houthis who are now firing rockets at Tel Aviv — one of which landed dangerously close to the U.S. embassy outpost there.

The prime minister’s visit also comes as the Biden White House’s betrayal of Israel is being revealed for all to see. Yesterday, I wrote that “the most powerful person in the Biden White House,” Biden’s National Security Council Senior Intelligence Director Maher Bitar, instigated the International Criminal Court charges against Netanyahu.

Meanwhile, Code Pink — which claims to abhor violence despite its members resorting to violent acts in nearly every one of its “events” — claims it is busing protesters into Washington from around the country.

Once in D.C., they will join other violent groups like Palestinian American Community Center and Jewish Voices for Peace (JVP). As you may recall from my earlier reports, JVP is not run by actual Jews, and that organization was central in the university riots that harassed and attacked Jewish students throughout last year.

For weeks, these groups’ antisemitic, pro-Hamas adherents have been spreading violent rhetoric and threats on social media in preparation for Netanyahu’s visit.

Also, 230 Capitol Hill staffers from at least 122 offices anonymously signed a letter demanding congress men and women join and assist Code Pink’s protests during Netanyahu’s visit.

And Secret Service will be responsible for Prime Minister Netanyahu’s security throughout all of this. May God have mercy, indeed.

Please pray for Bibi’s safety. And please take a moment right now to demand the U.S. Congress FIGHT BACK against Biden’s plots against the Prime Minister of Israel.

As you do, please prayerfully consider making a generous gift to support our work. Will you make a generous gift now to expand and accelerate everything CIDI is doing to fight for Israel at this moment of maximum crisis for the Jewish state?

Thank you for your friendship with Israel and for your support as a friend and partner of Christians in Defense of Israel!

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel

Our Covenant Journey Academy is raising up a new generation of children dedicated to Christ and the Holy Land. Antisemitism in our culture is poisoning the minds of our children! If you’re tired of the lies, consider the Christ-centered education Covenant Journey Academy provides. CJA has made K-12 home and remote schooling easy. Tuition discounts are now available. Learn more at CJ.Academy. And sign our petition, here.


Glick, Caroline. “Netanyahu’s Red Lines for “the Deal.” Jewish News Syndicate, July 8, 2024.

“Maher Bitar.” Council on Foreign Relations. Accessed July 19, 2024.*1ahg9p3*_ga*MTI0ODUxMzg2LjE2NjQ0NjE3MTU.*_ga_24W5E70YKH.