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White House Behind Bibi's Arrest Warrant!

In possibly the biggest betrayal yet, bombshell reports say that Joe Biden’s White House instigated the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu!

The reports indicate that the ICC arrest warrant is the “brainchild” of Maher Bitar, Joe Biden’s senior National Security Council Director for the Defense Department and the Intelligence Community.

According to a high-level source, Bitar coerced the ICC to seek the arrest warrant to force Israel to accept Joe Biden’s ludicrous ceasefire agreement.

FIGHT BACK against Biden’s plot to arrest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

As you may recall, Biden’s latest proposal is for Hamas to return just 20 of the estimated 120 hostages they hold. In exchange, Israel must agree to a complete and total ceasefire without any assurances that the remaining hostages will be returned or even kept alive.

As to Maher Bitar, he offers yet another glimpse into who has really been running the Biden White House. Sources inside the Executive Branch claim that Bitar is “one of the most powerful people in the White House.”

Maher Bitar was Barack Obama’s Director for Israel and Palestinian Affairs from 2013 to 2015, and also served the Obama administration as Deputy Assistant to U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power.

A graduate of Georgetown University, Bitar was on the Executive Board of Georgetown’s Students for Justice in Palestine (SFJP). If that name sounds familiar, it’s because SFJP is an organization that was behind the pro-Hamas campus riots this past year.

After law school, Bitar went on to work at UNRWA – the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. That’s right, one of Biden’s top intelligence directors, who is of Palestinian descent, used to work at the U.N. agency whose Gaza schools teach children to murder Jews, and who’s hospitals are built over Hamas compounds to conceal the terror group’s activities!

The Biden presidency is in chaos right now. As a result, we must be incredibly vigilant as to what may be going on behind the scenes, as powermongers try to make a mad dash to accomplish their evil plans before they lose their power.

Prime Minister Netanyahu will be on U.S. soil THIS WEEK to address Congress. We must move Congress to prevent Joe Biden and his White House full of Iranian spies and Palestinian apologists to destroy the world’s only Jewish state NOW.

Please, fax Congress now. Demand they act BEFORE Bibi arrives on U.S. shores!

Will you make a generous gift now to expand and accelerate everything CIDI is doing to fight for Israel at this moment of maximum crisis for the Jewish state?

Thank you for your friendship with Israel and for your support as a friend and partner of Christians in Defense of Israel!

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel

Our Covenant Journey Academy is raising up a new generation of children dedicated to Christ and the Holy Land. Antisemitism in our culture is poisoning the minds of our children! If you’re tired of the lies, consider the Christ-centered education Covenant Journey Academy provides. CJA has made K-12 home and remote schooling easy. Tuition discounts are now available. Learn more at CJ.Academy. And sign our petition, here.


Glick, Caroline. “Netanyahu’s Red Lines for “the Deal.” Jewish News Syndicate, July 8, 2024.

“Maher Bitar.” Council on Foreign Relations. Accessed July 19, 2024.*1ahg9p3*_ga*MTI0ODUxMzg2LjE2NjQ0NjE3MTU.*_ga_24W5E70YKH.