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"Moral outrage of historic proportions"

Two weeks ago, the debacle of a presidential debate created a massive national security crisis for both America and Israel. The entire world, including our enemies, just saw massive weakness in what is supposed to be the leader of the free world.

Bad actors on the world stage strike when they see weakness.

Please be in urgent prayer for the safety of America and Israel.

I also must tell you that the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) move to arrest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for “war crimes” could have teeth to it. A German official recently said his country would arrest Netanyahu on ICC’s behalf if the Israeli prime minister set foot in his country.

Tell Congress to FIGHT BACK against the ridiculous “war crimes” charges against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“Of course. Yes, we abide by the law,” he explained in a chilling throwback to the “just following orders” attitude that made the Holocaust possible.

In a fiery statement, Prime Minister Netanyahu denounced the ICC threat to arrest him. The “absurd charges,” he said, are a “moral outrage of historic proportions.”

Karim Khan, the ICC prosecutor who leveled these charges, is “callously pouring gasoline on the fires of antisemitism that are raging across the world,” said Prime Minister Netanyahu, adding:

Through this incendiary decision, Mr. Khan takes his place among the great antisemites in modern times. He now stands alongside those infamous German judges who donned their robes and upheld laws that denied the Jewish people their most basic rights and enabled the Nazis to perpetrate the worst crime in history.

Benjamin Netanyahu is right! And that’s why you and I must speak out for Israel now. Sign the powerful MAKE THEM PAY! petition today.

Your financial gift matters as well. The Jewish state is fighting for its very survival. But Israel’s enemies are marshaling forces to transform Israel into a pariah state — much like apartheid-era South Africa.

Thank you for your friendship with Israel and for your support as a friend and partner of CIDI!

Mat Staver

Christians in Defense of Israel
Nine months after the Oct. 7 massacre, the international community is targeting Israel — threatening to arrest Prime Minister Netanyahu and ordering the Jewish state to halt its war of national survival against Hamas. Take action now by signing the MAKE THEM PAY! demand letter!

P.P.S. Antisemitism in our schools and culture is poisoning the minds of our children. If you’re tired of the lies, consider the Christ-centered education our Covenant Journey Academy provides. We’ve made K-12 home and remote schooling easy. Tuition discounts are now available. Learn more at CJ.Academy. 


McKernan, Bethann, and Harry Davies. “Israeli campaign against ICC may be ‘crimes against justice’, say legal experts.” The Guardian, May 29, 2024.

“Statement by PM Netanyahu.” Israeli Prime Minister’s Office, May 20, 2024.

‌Van Koningsveld, Akiva. “Germany: We Will Execute ICC Warrant against Netanyahu.” Jewish News Syndicate, May 23, 2024.