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About Those Bogus Criminal Charges Against Bibi...

Outrageous, slanderous attacks struck the Jewish nation through a series of U.N. judicial actions in late May. The onslaught came just nine months after Hamas terrorists invaded Israel. As you know, those terrorists slaughtered some 1,200 Israelis and took 250 hostages in the worst assault on the Jewish people since the Holocaust.

Hamas committed unspeakable atrocities. These monsters baked and beheaded babies, raped women, burned innocent Israelis alive, and riddled their victims’ bodies with bullets.

The images of the carnage are nearly impossible to take in. — Mat

But nine months later, it’s not Hamas against which the global community is outraged — it’s Israel!


In just one week in May, the international community mobilized against Israel in a series of stunning moves:
  • The prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC) announced his intention to arrest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for “war crimes and crimes against humanity.” At the same time, an International Court of Justice (ICJ) prosecutor called for the arrest of Hamas leaders, also on war crimes charges, creating an utterly reprehensible moral equivalence between Israel and genocidal Hamas.
  • Three European countries — Ireland, Spain, and Norway — high-fived Hamas for its horrors against Israel by recognizing the nonexistent state of “Palestine.”
  • The so-called International Court of Justice — the U.N.’s top court —ordered Israel to “immediately halt its military offensive” in Rafah.
The Wall Street Journal called it a week of “international repudiation for Israel.” A law professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem told the Journal that “Israel is in the worst crisis that it has ever been in since it was established 76 years ago.”

But Israel is unbowed. An Israeli spokesman declared that “no power on Earth will stop Israel from protecting its citizens and going after Hamas in Gaza.”

And Israel Defense Forces (IDF) continue to fight in Rafah, from which the world’s most humane military organization has already evacuated nearly a million Gazans for their own protection.


As friends of Israel, you and I must lift our voices NOW in Israel’s defense. I have prepared a special petition demanding that Congress deliver a devastating diplomatic counterpunch to Israel’s enemies by taking these three steps:
  1. Enact crippling sanctions against the ICC to punish this rogue enemy of Israel for its outrageous action to haul P.M. Benjamin Netanyahu into jail for “war crimes.” (You’ll be encouraged to know that Speaker Mike Johnson and House Republicans support legislation to impose tough sanctions against the ICC).
  2. Slash all U.N. funding! It’s a scandal that the U.S. still foots the lion’s share of the bloated budget for the world’s most toxic enemy of Israel. First on the chopping block should be the U.N.’s antisemitic International Court of Justice.
  3. Demand Joe Biden defend Israel at the U.N. Team Biden betrayed Israel in March, refusing to veto a one-sided U.N. Security Council resolution obligating Israel to lay down its arms, but not demanding that Hamas release its Israeli hostages. That betrayal MUST NOT happen again.

Your signature on the enclosed MAKE THEM PAY! petition is consequential and very much needed. Your voice matters ... together with other friends of Israel, we can impact Washington. Please sign and fax your petition today!

Your financial gift matters as well. The Jewish state is fighting for its very survival. But Israel’s enemies are marshaling forces to transform Israel into a pariah state — much like apartheid-era South Africa.

Will you make a generous gift now to expand and accelerate everything CIDI is doing to fight for Israel at this moment of maximum crisis for the Jewish state?

Thank you for your friendship with Israel and for your support as a friend and partner of Christians in Defense of Israel!

Mat Staver

Christians in Defense of Israel 

P.S. Antisemitism in our schools and culture is poisoning the minds of our children. If you’re tired of the lies, consider the Christ-centered education our Covenant Journey Academy provides. We’ve made K-12 home and remote schooling easy. Tuition discounts are now available. Learn more at
And sign our petition, here.


Bravin, Jess, and Anat Paled. "U.N. Court Orders Israel to Halt Some Military Operations in Rafah.” The Wall Street Journal, May 24, 2024.

McKernan, Bethann, and Harry Davies. “Israeli campaign against ICC may be ‘crimes against justice’, say legal experts.” The Guardian, May 29, 2024.

Van Koningsveld, Akiva. “Germany: We Will Execute ICC Warrant against Netanyahu.” Jewish News Syndicate, May 23, 2024.