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White House Caught in Huge Lie

This week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently released a video on social media demanding Joe Biden stop the arms embargo he has been single-handedly deploying against the Jewish state.

Apparently, the U.S. administration thought they could lie their way around Bibi’s honest report on the Biden embargo. Instead, Netanyahu’s video made fools of them on the world stage.

STOP Biden’s arms embargo!

White House Press Secretary Karine Jeane-Pierre irrationally claimed, “We don’t know what he’s talking about,” referring to Bibi’s announcement.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken deflected, claiming, “there has been no change in our posture” regarding helping Israel defend herself.

“Be sure your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23).

It never makes sense to lie. Someone, somewhere, always knows the truth. In this case, the Biden administration had already published the truth.

  • On May 8, the administration announced it had halted shipments of 2,000-pound bombs to Israel.

  • On June 18, it was revealed that the administration was also holding up a shipment of F-15 fighter jets to Israel.

When confronted with the truth, both Biden officials were forced to walk back their comments. Jeane-Pierre was forced to admit the bomb shipment had been “held up.” Blinken merely tried to deflect again, insisting Biden’s refusal to send the arms and fighter jets was simply a “bottleneck.”

Whether bottlenecks or baloney, Congress must now step in to force this wicked anti-Israel administration to deliver the weapons Israel needs to survive.

Israel is under attack on all sides by Iran-funded war proxies. The Houthis attack from the Mediterranean. Hamas continues its war in Gaza. Hezbollah is bombarding Israelis with explosives in the north while setting thousands of acres of Israeli land and farms on fire. And Iran has already fired missiles directly at the Jewish state.

Congress must not allow Biden to continue his dangerous games. Tell Congress to END BIDEN’S EMBARGO!

Thank you for your friendship with Israel and for your support as a friend and partner of Christians in Defense of Israel! We cannot do this important work without you. Please prayerfully consider financially supporting our work with a donation today.

Standing with Israel,

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel



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Don't forget to fax Congress and sign our petition!


Da Silva, Chantal, and Gabe Guitierrez. “U.S. says it doesn’t know what Netanyahu is talking about after he attacks Biden for ‘withholding weapons.’” NBC News, June 19, 2024.

‌Hagstrom, Anders, and Greg Wehner. “Netanyahu urges Biden admin to renew weapons supply to Israel, says it’s ‘inconceivable’ US withheld aid.” Fox News, June 18, 2024.‌

Malsin, Jared, and Nancy A. Youssef. “Biden Administration Delays Moving Forward with F-15 Sale to Israel.” The Wall Street Journal, June 18, 2024.

“White House Halted Shipment of Large Weapons to Israel over Concerns They’d Be Used in Rafah.” NBC News, May 8, 2024.