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Urgent! Israel on Fire

While ignorant college students and Qatari-funded university professors are raving in support of Iran-backed Hamas, another Iranian terror proxy, Hezbollah, has literally set northern Israel on fire. Yet Joe Biden continues to effect an arms embargo against the Jewish state, refusing to deliver the funds and munitions Congress approved. We must force Congress to intervene and save Israel from Joe Biden. Read on. — Mat

From Israel’s northern border with Lebanon, Hezbollah has bombarded Israelis with thousands of rockets these last several weeks, raining hundreds of bombs a day on innocent civilians.

Unlike Israel’s careful attempts to protect civilian life and institutions in Gaza, Hezbollah rockets purposefully target civilians – their homes, their businesses, and the land they use to grow their food.

Combined with dry conditions and high winds, these rocket attacks have ignited uncontrollable wildfires throughout northern Israel, much to the glee of Hezbollah and all other Iranian proxies. At last report, fire had decimated more than 3,500 acres of northern Israel.

More than 100,000 Israelis have had to flee their homes, and are now refugees in their own country. Meanwhile, more than 150,000 more Israelis continue to be bombarded by near constant Hezbollah rocket fire.

“Anyone who thinks that they can harm us and we will sit on our hands is sorely mistaken,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday, speaking from Kiryat Shmona, one of the towns decimated by the rockets and fires. The town has experience almost daily bombardment since October 8, the day after the Hamas massacre.

Within hours of Netanyahu’s speech, Hezbollah rained yet more rockets down on the Israeli town of Hurfeish in the Upper Galilee region, wounding at least 11 civilians.

In what has become par for the course, the international community is demanding ISRAEL not to defend itself.

The European Union’s diplomatic core issued a statement urging “restraint,” saying, “Nobody stands to win from a broader regional conflict.”

The EU statement is effectively telling the people of Israel to lay down and submit to the terror, torture, kidnapping, and wholesale destruction being wrought upon them by Iranian-funded terror groups in the north and south.

As any military strategist will tell you, fighting a war on two fronts against two enemies is incredibly difficult to win or even survive.

Joe Biden isn’t making it any easier. Despite Congress approving both funds and munitions so that Israel can defend itself, Biden has refused to deliver the much-needed support, enacting his own self-declared embargo against the Jewish state.

CIDI staff are in Washington, working with members of Congress to use the upcoming National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to FORCE Joe Biden to abandon his anti-Israel ways.

We are asking Congress to not only fully fund Israel via the NDAA but to also include provisions that force the White House to abandon any and all arms embargoes against the Jewish state, while also coercing the administration to fully supply Israel with all funds and equipment Congress orders the administration to provide.

But we need YOUR HELP to rally the rest of the Congress around this measure. Unlike most legislation these days, support for Israel does not run along party lines. Many congressional Jewish Democrats are disgusted by the almost unfathomable rise in antisemitism since October 7. As a result, they are beginning to break ranks with their own party on issues concerning Israel. This is our chance to rally Republicans and create an alliance that ensures the U.S. supports Israel. But we must act now. NDAA negotiations have just begun, and we will need to work hard to ensure the bill protects Israel from Joe Biden and his anti-Israel friends.

Our staff is ONLY able to engage in this level of congressional work defending Israel because of your direct financial support. We simply cannot do this work without you. Please help us continue defending Israel with a generous donation today.

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel



Don't forget to fax Congress and sign our petition!


Beaumont, Peter. “Netanyahu Threatens ‘Extremely Powerful’ Response to Hezbollah Attacks.” The Guardian, June 5, 2024.

Williamson, Lucy. “Fires in Northern Israel Fuel Demands to Tackle Escalation with Hezbollah.” BBC, June 4, 2024.