Only The Deranged Would Dream This Up
Ever eager to undermine Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and topple the Israeli government so he can force the creation of a Palestinian state, Joe Biden just accused Bibi of something horrific.
But Biden’s sick suggestion reveals more about the madman in the Oval Office than it does about the Israeli prime minister.
Congress MUST step in to undo the damage Joe Biden has done to America’s relationship with Israel. Christians in Defense of Israel staff are in Washington working with select members of Congress on a strategy to defeat Biden’s betrayals of Israel. We are asking Congress to not only fully fund Israel via the National Defense Authorization Agreement (NDAA) but also to include provisions that force the White House to abandon any and all arms embargoes against the Jewish state so that Israel can rescue the hostages still held by Hamas. Tell Congress to DEFY JOE BIDEN SO Israel can BRING THE HOSTAGES HOME!

As of June 3, 2024, Hamas continues to hold 124 women, children, and elderly hostages. More than 15% of the hostages are Americans.
Hamas has gleefully posted videos of the young Jewish women they are using as sex slaves, bragging about how they are using rape and forced impregnation as a form of torture.
Women like 18-year-old Liri Albag, 19-year-old Karina Ariev, 19-year-old Agam Berger, 19-year-old Daniela Gilboa, and 19-year-old Naama Levy.
Set these young women free! Fax Congress now and demand they defy Joe Biden!
Hamas released a video of the attack in which they captured the five Israeli young women, still dressed in the pajamas. The women were beaten bloody and lined up against the wall. Hamas soldiers can be heard telling them “how beautiful they are,” even as they tell them they will “step on you like dogs.”
Another Hamas soldier gleefully points at the young women declaring, “Here are the women we can get pregnant. They are Zionists.” The video jumps forward, showing the terrorists shoving the captives into waiting trucks, many with what appeared to be blood on the seats of their pants, indicating what had been done to them — and what was yet to come.
Hamas has held these women captive as sex slaves for 243 days.
But the torture isn’t reserved just for the women. Further reports confirm that Hamas forces the other hostages, including children, to watch their fellow victims’ abuse as well as videos of Hamas’ violence. This unconscionable tactic is meant to expand the psychological torture even further and potentially permanently warp the young minds it holds captive.
Joe Biden recently sat down with reporters for an upcoming spread in TIME magazine, obviously timed to help bolster the deeply unpopular Biden’s reelection chances.
When asked if Prime Minister Netanyahu is prolonging the Gaza war for political gain, Biden, ever eager to undermine Bibi, told reporters, “There is every reason for people to draw that conclusion.”
For Biden to allude that Israel’s ongoing efforts to rescue the hostages and destroy their captors is a political stunt as sickening as it is telling. It indicates that Biden himself has no value for life, instead viewing people as tools to be used for political leverage.
This is, of course, the same man who had the gall to make the sign of the cross as he endorsed the murder of innocent, unborn children at a recent pro-abortion rally, so perhaps we should not be surprised at Biden’s latest show of disdain for life.
In fact, that very thinking perfectly aligns with Hamas, not Israel. Throughout its entire history, Hamas has used human beings as shields, hiding their armaments and bunkers beneath hospitals and primary schools for young children. It is Hamas, not Israel, that views human beings as dispensable bags of bones to be used for political gain.
In contrast, the Jewish faith puts the highest possible value on ALL human life, even Arab lives, even in times of war. Throughout the campaign to rescue the hostages and eradicate Hamas terrorists, Israel has gone out of its way to avoid innocent human casualties.
And Prime Minister Netanyahu has vowed he will not rest until every single hostage is brought home.
Only the deeply mentally ill or the outrageously callous would pretend that a hunt to rescue 124 hostages and sex slaves is somehow a political stunt. But that is exactly what Biden did in the TIME magazine interview.
Worse yet, Biden’s comments were just another clear indicator that he will not be content until he topples both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his coalition government. And that the ultimate aim is to destroy resistance to Biden’s dream of creating a Palestinian state. And Biden isn’t even trying to hide his treachery.
“There needs to be a two-state solution, a transition to a two-state solution,” Biden told the TIME reporters.
Christians in Defense of Israel staff are in Washington working with select members of Congress on a strategy to defeat Biden’s betrayals of Israel. We are asking Congress to not only fully fund Israel via the NDAA but also to include provisions that force the White House to abandon any and all arms embargoes against the Jewish state while also forcing the administration to fully supply Israel with all the funds and equipment Congress orders the administration to provide. Israel MUST receive the funding and tools it needs to rescue each and every one of the hostages Hamas has held for 242 long days.
But we need YOUR HELP to push this over the finish line. Please take a moment right now to sign our petition and fax Congress demanding they defend Israel from Joe Biden via the NDAA.
Please also consider funding our important work with a special financial gift. Our staff is ONLY able to engage in this level of congressional work defending Israel because of your direct financial support. We simply cannot do this work without you. Please help us continue defending Israel with a generous donation today.
Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel
Don't forget to fax Congress and sign our petition!
Borger, Julian. “UN Finds ‘Convincing Information’ That Hamas Raped and Tortured Israeli Hostages.” The Guardian, March 4, 2024. Theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/04/un-envoy-reports-on-accounts-of-hamas-raping-and-torturing-israeli-hostages.
Eglash, Ruth Marks. “Stories of Torture, Torment Revealed by Israeli Children Kidnapped by Hamas Terrorists.” Fox News, November 29, 2023. Foxnews.com/world/stories-torture-torment-revealed-israeli-children-kidnapped-hamas-terrorists.
Nerozzi, Timothy H.J. “Biden Sparks Christian Group’s Anger after Making Sign of the Cross at Abortion Rally: ‘Disgusting Insult.’” Fox News, April 25, 2024. Foxnews.com/politics/biden-sparks-christian-groups-anger-making-sign-cross-abortion-rally-disgusting-insult.
“Read the Full Transcript of Joe Biden’s Interview with TIME.” TIME, June 4, 2024. Time.com/6984968/joe-biden-transcript-2024-interview/.
Siemaszko, Corky. “Hostage Families Share Disturbing Video of Israeli Soldiers Being Abducted by Hamas on Oct. 7.” NBC News, May 22, 2024. Nbcnews.com/news/world/hostage-families-share-disturbing-video-israeli-soldiers-abducted-hama-rcna153558.

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