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Hamas Command Center Under UNRWA HQ...

An elaborate, sophisticated Hamas command center has been discovered operating directly beneath the headquarters for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA).  

Despite catching UNRWA red-handed, literally giving cover for Hamas’ terror activities, Joe Biden STILL wants to give this terror-enabling agency hundreds of millions of YOUR taxpayer dollars in “relief” funding.

CONGRESS WILL VOTE THIS WEEK on Joe Biden’s aid package for UNRWA. Pro-Palestine congressional Democrats are pushing hard to get their favorite terror trainers fully funded with YOUR tax dollars. We must stop them. Read on. — Mat

The United Nations and the head of its agency UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine) have maintained they are not involved with Hamas in any way, shape, or form. The Palestinians themselves have repeatedly accused Israel of inventing stories to undermine UNRWA.

Breaking news this weekend, however, proves unequivocally that UNRWA’s claims of innocence and ignorance are bald-faced LIES.

Israel Defense Forces have discovered a Hamas command center right under UNRWA’s Gaza City headquarters. Worse yet, the Hamas command center is directly tied to UNRWA’s electrical grid, using the U.N. agency’s power to run Hamas’ communications and to provide lighting and airflow to the terror tunnels spread throughout Gaza.

In addition to the power and communications cable networks, the IDF also discovered caches of ammunition, grenades, and explosives Hamas had stockpiled beneath the UNRWA HQ.

Israel Defense Forces Army engineers took foreign news reporters on a tour of this blockbuster discovery over the weekend. Using a tunnel entrance at the edge of an UNRWA school property, IDF soldiers led reporters through the tunnels to Hamas’ half-mile-long command center compound, stretched beneath UNRWA’s Gaza City headquarters.

The compound was filled with computer servers, communications equipment, and power lines which ran through a pipe into the compound ceiling through the floor of the UNRWA headquarters, where the wiring tapped into UNRWA’s infrastructure.

Examination of the wiring and equipment revealed that Hamas has been using the UNRWA headquarters electrical power and communications hubs to run Hamas terror operations in the area and to power miles of Hamas tunnels beneath Gaza.

“Everything is conducted from here. All the energy for the tunnels, which you walked through them are powered from here,” said IDF Lt. Col. Ido (who gave only his first name). “This is one of the central commands of the[ir] intelligence. This is one of the Hamas intelligence units, where they commanded most of the combat.”

UNRWA, of course, says it is “unable to confirm or otherwise comment” on “what is or might be under its premises.”

Despite the obvious pipe full of wires running from the tunnels up through the UNRWA headquarters floor, UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini claimed in a statement that the U.N. agency had “no knowledge” of the Hamas facilities below, before trying to insinuate that the powerline connection and weapons had somehow been newly installed since October 12.

Senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri claimed stories about the tunnels were Israeli “lies” meant to undermine UNRWA.

But the footage taken by the foreign reporters during the IDF tour shows these tunnels, wiring, and communications systems are not new at all, and had, in fact, been in use beneath the UNRWA facility for what appears to be a very long time. In fact, some of the server wires came up from the floor and were connected to UNRWA power and internet cables.

Sadly, for the last three years, Joe Biden has been ensuring that you and I pay for this terror network, by funding UNRWA with hundreds of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars.

Now Joe Biden wants yet more money for UNRWA as part of his 9 billion-dollar “foreign aid” package. CONGRESS WILL VOTE ON THE AID PACKAGE THIS WEEK.

Please, take a moment right now to demand Congress DEFUND UNRWA totally and completely. Americans should NOT be forced to pay for a United Nations agency’s plan for Jewish genocide.

Please prayerfully consider making a generous one-time gift or even a recurring monthly gift to fund our important work defending the world’s only Jewish state.

Thank you for standing with Israel in this profound time of need.

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel



As we move further into the new year, I ask for your generous and much-needed gift to defend Israel in 2024. Your gift now will help us fight the Biden administration’s attacks on Israel. Please give generously today! And sign the petition.


Martinez, Dylan. “Hamas Had Command Tunnel under UN Gaza HQ.” Reuters, February 11, 2024.