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Biden Said WHAT About Funding Terror?!

Joe Biden can’t seem to figure out whose side he’s on after Palestinian terrorists butchered 1,400 innocent civilians on October 7. You may be a shocked as I was over what Biden said on social media just days ago. Read on. — Mat

Joe Biden tipped his hand again, contradicting his previous professed full-throated support of Israel with a single social media post.

Not even a month has passed since Palestinian Hamas terrorists raped and brutally killed 1,400 innocent Israeli men, women, and children.

Many of the dead were so horribly mutilated by their attackers that authorities are working around the clock to identify victims from bone fragments and DNA.

Even though the terrorists continue to hold over 200 people — including dozens of Americans — hostage in a dark labyrinth of tunnels, threatening to kill each one if the Palestinians don’t get their way, Joe Biden is worried about the Palestinians.

In a message posted to social media last Tuesday, Biden wrote:

“The United States remains committed to the Palestinian people’s right to dignity and to self-determination.”

First, terrorists have no dignity. Their actions on October 7 showed the world exactly what kind of vicious, evil, monsters they truly are.

Second, Biden’s “self-determination” trope is a reference to his long-standing and incredibly ill-conceived plan to partition Israel into two states.

The problem with that tired idea is that the Palestinian people don’t want a part of Israel. They want ALL of it.

In U.S.-funded schools administered by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, schoolchildren as young as 6 years old are taught the Palestinian Liberation Army’s version of a nursery rhyme, singing:

“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

A quick look at any Middle Eastern map will show you that “from the river to the sea” encompasses ALL of Israel.

Official Palestinian TV regularly airs maps of Israel covered with the Palestinian flag. In other words — no Jews!

The charter of a U.S. State Department-designated terror organization, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), calls for “armed struggle” to “liberate Palestine.” It proclaims the “national duty to repulse the Zionist, imperialist invasion.”

And the Palestinian government, the Palestinian Authority (PA), itself continues to pay a lifetime bounty of 400 to 3,500 dollars monthly to terrorists or their families as a “Pay to Slay” terror reward pension for attacking or murdering a Jew. That means the families of the terrorists who killed each of the 1,400 innocent Israeli civilians on October 7 will reap a windfall.

Now Biden wants to give the Palestinians 100 million dollars in U.S. taxpayer dollars to continue funding their hate filled rhetoric and terror reward system.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) responded to Biden’s comments, saying, “The last time Gazans ‘self-determined,’ they elected a terrorist group to lead their government.”

Former Assistant Secretary of Treasury Monica Crowley reminded Biden that “The Palestinian people of Gaza LITERALLY ELECTED HAMAS.”

By the way, it is unlawful under the Taylor Force Act for Biden to give the PA any money at all so long as the PA continues paying terror pensions. But, as with many things these days, it seems Joe Biden doesn’t care.

It is now incumbent upon us, U.S.-taxpaying friends of Israel, to demand Congress put an immediate STOP to Biden’s terror reward payments.

Congress will vote on Biden’s terror aid package this week. Please make sure you sign our petition and fax Congress now. Tell them not to give one red cent to the Palestinian baby butchers or their PA funders.

Thank you for standing with Israel. Please continue to pray for the Holy Land.

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel



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Farthing, Mick. “After Biden Makes Crazy Palestine Claim - Republican Lawmakers Take Joe Down.” Patriot Journal, October 26, 2023.

“Financially Rewarding Terrorism in the West Bank.” GovInfo. U.S. Government Publishing Office. Accessed November 1, 2023.

Kredo, Adam. “Palestinian Government Still Pays Terrorists as U.S. Aid Dollars Flow.” The Washington Free Beacon, October 18, 2022.