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Netanyahu Takes Justified Shot at Biden

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told some uncomfortable truths during his most recent United Nations address. Speaking to the international body just days after the murderous President of Iran gave his vitriol-filled U.N. speech, Bibi minced no words … Iran’s political regime, he said, is a curse upon the world.

So why does Joe Biden continue down a path that will give the Tyrant of Tehran a nuclear weapon to make good on his promises to wipe both Israel and America off the map?

Fax Congress and sign our petition demanding Congress investigate and hold hearings on Biden’s unholy deal with the Ayatollah. Then read on for Bibi’s warning. Mat

On September 16, Iran, yet again, kicked out a group of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors.

“Iran has effectively removed about one-third of the core group of the agency’s most experienced inspectors designated for Iran,” IAEA Chief Rafael Mariano Grossi said.

The IAEA “strongly condemns this disproportionate and unprecedented unilateral measure,” saying it “constitutes an unnecessary blow to an already strained relationship,” Grossi added.

Earlier, on 9-11-23 no less, Joe Biden REWARDED the terror state for its latest egregious ransom demand with 6 billion dollars, with promises of more.

Addressing the United Nations just one week later, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu illustrated the danger that faces the Jewish state, and indeed, all the world.

“Iran continues to spend billions to arm its terror proxies. It continues to extend its terror tentacles in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, South America, even North America,” said Netanyahu, who noted that in recent years, Iran has tried to assassinate the U.S. Secretary of State, as well as the national security adviser to former President Trump.

“This tells you all you need to know about Iran's murderous intentions, and Iran's murderous nature,” Netanyahu said. But, he added, the danger is NOT in the past.

“Iran continues to threaten international shipping lanes, hold foreign nationals for ransom and engage in nuclear blackmail,” Netanyahu said. “Over the past year, its murderous ghouls have killed hundreds and arrested thousands of Iran's brave citizens."

“Iran’s drones and missile program threaten Israel and our Arab neighbors and Iran's drones have brought and bring death and destruction to innocent people in the Ukraine. Yet the regime's aggression is largely met by indifference in the international community,” said Netanyahu in a clear shot at the Biden administration.

“Eight years ago, the Western powers promised that if Iran violated the nuclear deal, the sanctions would be snapped back. Well, Iran is violating the deal. But the sanctions have not been snapped back. To stop Iran's nuclear ambitions. This policy must change,” Netanyahu said.

As the leader of both the free and Western world, America must STOP Biden’s irrational policy of rewarding the Ayatollah’s outrageous behavior with yet more money to fuel his nuclear destruction dreams!

Joe Biden hid his latest “deal” with the Ayatollah from Congress. Then he gave the murderous regime the world’s largest platform, granting the Iranian President a special visa to address the U.N. in New York City.

Joe Biden is the most anti-Israel President since Barack Obama and his Iran-friendly adviser Valerie Jarrett, making our work defending Israel even more important.

Please consider making a recurring monthly donation to fund our work defending Israel in Washington, D.C., and around the world. YOUR GIFT is a blessing to Israel and the Jewish people.

May God bless you for standing with Israel!

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel

P.S. You can also help Israel by visiting the Holy Land with us in April 2024! Our Covenant Journey program takes Christians on a once-in-a-lifetime guided educational tour of Israel. Our October 2023 trip sold out fast. Don’t miss YOUR chance for a seat on our April 2024 trip.

Springtime in the Holy Land is beautiful beyond compare. Enjoy God’s grandeur with us! Learn more at


“FULL TEXT: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s 2023 UN General Assembly Speech.” Haaretz, September 22, 2023.

Schultheis, Emily. “UN Nuclear Agency Slams Iran for Barring ‘Several’ Inspectors From Monitoring its Program,” The Washington Post, September 16, 2023.