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Jennifer Is A CJ Alum Fighting for Israel

Your support of Christians in Defense of Israel and its associated ministry, Covenant Journey (CJ), had a direct impact on one state’s policy toward Israel. Our Covenant Journey program takes promising college-aged students on guided educational trips to Israel to not only deepen their Christian faith, but also so they will defend Israel in their future careers.

Today, I would like to introduce you to one of our Covenant Journey alumnae who was able to stop one of the world’s largest economies from boycotting Israel. The ways God has used our Covenant Journey alums are amazing, thanks in part to generous CIDI supporters like you! Read on to learn just how Jennifer Sullivan — and CIDI’s many friends — made a difference for Israel. — Mat

Covenant Journey offers an immersive experience in Israel designed for promising Christian college-age students to strengthen their faith and introduce them to the Holy Land.

Students experience the opportunity for a life-changing connection with God during their Covenant Journey trip. Out of this deeper understanding of the Holy Land and the Bible, young people are taking on new passion and greater impact in the Kingdom of God, particularly in their defense of His chosen people, the nation of Israel. We are excited about seeing God’s hand on our alumni and how He is leading them on many incredible paths.

Jennifer Sullivan is one example of the many pro-Israel leaders our Covenant Journey program has mentored. Jennifer is the youngest woman ever to be elected to the Florida state legislature.

“I read about all of these places in the Old Testament, but then to actually be there and see the City of Jerusalem, Galilee, Capernaum, and have the Beatitudes read to us was amazing,” Jennifer says. “When you get to experience what you read, it becomes so much more real! It is so powerful to be in the culture that Christ was raised in and to experience the Jewish culture as a whole.”

Jennifer said her time in Israel “further ingrained my support of Israel. I share my experiences of seeing the borders and interacting with the people of Israel.” She has found that her time in Israel gives her greater credibility when sharing with her colleagues and friends.

The journey also affected her heart in a unique way. “In life, it’s easy to be caught up in busyness and so quickly take our eyes off the Lord,” she says. “Being in Israel strengthened my Christian faith.”

The passage in John 15 about Jesus being the vine and that believers need to maintain that daily connection with Him hit home for Jennifer. “I don’t want to just be busy; I want to be fruitful!”

Jennifer’s work has been fruitful indeed. As an elected official, she served in the state legislature from 2014 to 2020. She also co-chaired Florida’s Oversight, Transportation and Administration Subcommittee (2016-2018). When she returned from her Covenant Journey trip, a bill regarding sanctions against companies boycotting Israel was under consideration.

“As soon as I saw the bill come up, I made sure to put it on the agenda for our next meeting,” Jennifer says. In addition, she was instrumental in changing the bill. Originally, it only applied to financial contracts of more than 500,000 dollars, but later it applied to contracts of any amount with the state.

Thanks to Jennifer’s experience in Israel, the State of Florida can now be listed as an Israel defender, opposing companies that promote the BDS agenda (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) that seeks to break Israel through economic warfare.

A Covenant Journey tour of Israel is unlike any other, as it is designed specifically to motivate participants to affirm and deepen their Christian faith and identity through a spiritual and educational experience of biblical, historic, and modern Israel.

Your donation today will be used, in part, to help offset the cost of these trips so that more defenders of Israel can be raised up!

Jennifer is just one of the young people who have been transformed by these impactful trips. God has done miraculous things in putting young leaders in places where they can be most effective for His purpose. In the coming weeks, I’ll share more of these inspiring stories.

In the meantime, please prayerfully consider supporting our vital work with a generous donation. Your gift makes it possible for Christians in Defense of Israel to stand for Israel in American legislatures, public policy venues, and around the world.

And you will also help raise up more young leaders for Christ and Israel, defending the Jewish state in elected offices, businesses, media centers, and other centers of influence. YOUR GIFT MATTERS!

Mat Staver

Christians in Defense of Israel

P.S. LAST THING! You can help bust Biden’s Boycott by visiting the Holy Land with us! Our Covenant Journey program takes Christians on a once-in-a-lifetime guided educational tour of Israel. Our next travel dates are in October this year and April 2024. Don’t miss your chance to bust the Biden Boycott by spending money directly with the Israeli people! Learn more at


“A Positive Vote: Jennifer.” Covenant Journey, April 9, 2019.

“Oversight, Transparency & Administration SUBCOMMITTEE2016 - 2018 (Speaker Corcoran).” Florida House of Representatives. Accessed August 15, 2023.