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Obvious Animosity Turns to Financial Warfare

It's not just President Trump calling out Joe Biden and his team for their war on Prime Minister Netanyahu. The world is waking up to Joe Biden’s obvious animosity toward Israel. But now we need the U.S. Congress to snap out of their stupor and STOP Joe Biden’s economic war against the world’s only Jewish state.

Please sign our petition and fax Congress demanding they END Biden’s Boycott of Israel! Then read on for the news. — Mat

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said of the Biden administration, “You know, they don’t like Bibi, quite frankly, because he’s a conservative.”

And the Wall Street Journal issued this sharply worded rebuke of Biden:

Why does President Biden go out of his way to snub, criticize and give marching orders to the government of Israel? At least rhetorically, the President and his Administration treat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his governing coalition worse than they do the ruling mullahs in Iran...This is no way to treat a democratic ally and no way to pursue U.S. interests!

And that is precisely what Biden is doing. He is boycotting Israel by cutting off technological and scientific exchanges with Israeli groups in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria.

In June, Biden ordered the U.S. State Department to sever all scientific and technological ties with Israeli Universities in a de facto BOYCOTT of Israeli schools and institutions in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the Golan Heights. This action feeds the looming economic disaster planned by Israel’s enemies.

Joe Biden calls some Netanyahu cabinet members "extreme," but doesn’t say the same about the Israel-hating Islamic regime in Tehran.

In fact, Biden is almost silent on Iran’s maniacal rulers who declare "Death to Israel" and now stand on the brink of having a nuclear arsenal.

Instead, Biden blames the Jewish state — at least in part — for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In an outrageous swipe at our ally, Biden told a CNN interviewer last month: "they [Israel] are a part of the problem."

Joe Biden thinks he can bend the sovereign nation of Israel to his will. But even Biden is held accountable by the American people, his power held in check by Congress.

Please, join me now in demanding Congress exercise its constitutionally mandated power to check and balance the now obviously out-of-control administrative wing of our federal government.

Please take a moment right now to sign our petition and fax Congress demanding they END THE BIDEN BOYCOTT OF ISRAEL NOW! petition. Act right away. I want to collect and send the demands of every friend of Israel who signs this petition to House and Senate leaders just as soon as possible.

We cannot allow Joe Biden to financially break the Israelis. We the American people, steadfast friends of Israel, MUST raise our voices as one in support of the Jewish state. Fax Congress NOW and demand they stand with Israel as well, by stopping Joe Biden’s Boycott Israel campaign.

Please also prayerfully consider financially supporting our work with a generous donation today. Your gift makes it possible for Christians in Defense of Israel to defend the Jewish state in Congress and around the world. YOUR GIFT MATTERS!

Mat Staver

Christians in Defense of Israel

P.S. ONE LAST THING! You can help bust Biden’s Boycott by visiting the Holy Land with us! Our Covenant Journey program takes Christians on a once-in-a-lifetime guided educational tour of Israel. Our next travel dates are in October this year and April 2024.

There are only four seats left on the October trip! Don’t miss your chance to bust the Biden Boycott by spending money directly with the Israeli people! Learn more at


Editorial Board, The. “What Does Biden Have against Israel?” Wall Street Journal, July 13, 2023.

Jerenberg, Batya. “‘Make No Mistake - US Is Embracing BDS,’ Says Trump’s Former Ambassador to Israel”, World Israel News, June 26, 2023.

Wecker, Menachem. “US Lawmakers: Iran Disagreement at Root of Biden Snub of Netanyahu.” JNS, July 13, 2023.