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Cruz: Biden "Pathologically Obsessed" With Israel

Texas Senator Ted Cruz exploded when word leaked of Joe Biden’s latest outrageous actions against Israel. Joe Biden is trying to enact his own personal vendetta against former President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, one that could destroy the Israeli people and shatter one of the world’s fastest-growing economies.

Please sign our petition and fax Congress demanding they END Biden’s Boycott of Israel! Then read on for the news. —Mat

“Joe Biden and Biden administration officials are pathologically obsessed with undermining Israel,” Sen. Ted Cruz said after word leaked that Biden had instructed the U.S. State Department to begin boycotting Israel.

“The Biden administration defends funding scientific research in Wuhan with the Chinese Communist Party, but they’re discriminating against and banning cooperation with Jews based on where they live,” tweeted Cruz.

“Since day one of their administration,” the Texas senator continued, “they have launched campaigns against our Israeli allies that are granular, whole of government, and done in secret.”

And here is something else that makes the Biden Boycott all the worse. Not only will this State Department action hurt Israel, it's also a secret, back-door reversal of President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem and the Golan Heights as being Israeli territory.

“By seeking to block science funding in places like Jerusalem and the Golan Heights which were recognized as Israeli by President Trump, the Biden administration is attempting to subtly undo American recognition without taking any significant political backlash,” Israeli legal expert Eugene Kontorovich says.

You and I must respond!

In late June, the State Department enacted a U.S. boycott on scientific and technological cooperation with Israeli universities and other organizations located in parts of Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the Golan Heights.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman lashed out at the decision to freeze cooperation: “Make no mistake. The United States, by this action, is embracing the BDS movement,” he said, referring to the Palestinian-led campaign to boycott, divest, and sanction Israel.

“I will do everything possible to reverse this decision and prohibit such antisemitic discrimination by the U.S. government in the future,” Sen. Cruz said.

Please take a moment right now to sign our petition and fax Congress demanding they END THE BIDEN BOYCOTT OF ISRAEL NOW! Act right away. I want to collect and send the names of every friend of Israel who signs this petition to House and Senate leaders as soon as possible.

We cannot allow Joe Biden’s deranged Middle East policies to destroy the Holy Land. We the American people, steadfast friends of Israel, MUST raise our voices as one in support of the Jewish state! Fax Congress NOW and demand they stand with Israel by stopping Joe Biden’s Boycott Israel campaign.

Please also prayerfully consider financially supporting our work with a generous donation today. Your gift makes it possible for Christians in Defense of Israel to defend the Jewish state in Congress and around the world. YOUR GIFT MATTERS!

ONE LAST THING! We are going to Israel, and you can too! Our Covenant Journey program takes Christians on a once-in-a-lifetime guided educational tour of Israel. Our next travel dates are in October this year and April 2024. As of yesterday, there were just four seats left for the October trip! Don’t miss your chance to deepen your faith by walking where the kings ruled, the prophets proclaimed, and our Savior walked. Learn more at

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel


Jerenberg, Batya. “‘Make No Mistake - US Is Embracing BDS,’ Says Trump’s Former Ambassador to Israel.” World Israel News, June 26, 2023.

Klein, Joshua. “Ted Cruz Slams Biden Administration for ‘Outrageous, Antisemitic’ Discrimination Against Israel.” Breitbart News, June 25, 2023.