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"You Are Wrong And You Will Fail"

Joe Biden just violated a bilateral agreement with the Jewish state. That critical detail makes Joe Biden’s boycott of Israel even more sinister. Read on to learn more, but first take a moment to sign our petition and fax Congress demanding they END Biden’s Boycott of Israel! — Mat

In October 2020, the U.S. government signed a bilateral agreement with Israel. The formal agreement established a framework for cooperation in science and technology.

Commenting at the time of signing, Israel’s then-Science and Technology Minister Yizhar Shai told reporters that “[t]he governments of Israel and the United States are strengthening their cooperation around scientific research and technological ventures, thereby creating countless opportunities for researchers, scientists and entrepreneurs to establish groundbreaking companies based on the joint products.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu noted that the agreement was an extension of former President Trump’s Abraham Accords, a “successful approach to bringing peace” to the Middle East.

At the time of signing, Netanyahu said the agreement “opens Judea and Samaria to academic, commercial and scientific engagement with the United States. This is an important victory against all those who seek to delegitimize everything Israeli beyond the 1967 lines. And to all those malevolent boycotters, I have a simple message today. You are wrong, and you will fail.”

But Joe Biden, it appears, has chosen to be among the failures. In all his deranged Middle East policy, Biden has continually chosen to be among the naysayers seeking to undo every pro-Israel action President Trump initiated. Biden’s actions have done nothing but attempt to delegitimize and control the Jewish state.

This “Biden Boycott” is a clear violation of the bilateral agreement and is no exception.

Not only will Biden’s new boycott hurt Israel, it's also a back-door reversal of President Trump's historic recognition of Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.

“By seeking to block science funding in places like Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, which were recognized as Israeli by President Trump, the Biden administration is attempting to subtly undo American recognition without taking any significant political backlash,” Israeli legal expert Eugene Kontorovich says.

You and I must deliver that BACKLASH now! Again, please sign our petition and fax Congress demanding they END THE BIDEN BOYCOTT OF ISRAEL NOW! petition and return it right away with your generous gift to bless and defend Israel.

Fax Congress NOW and demand they stand with Israel as well, by stopping Joe Biden’s Boycott Israel campaign.

Your gift blesses Israel. You help us defend and celebrate God's chosen people across America and in Washington, D.C., where Israel-hating Democrats like Rashida Tlaib demonize and smear the “apartheid” Jewish state.

ONE LAST THING! We are going to Israel, and you can too! Our Covenant Journey program takes Christians on a once-in-a-lifetime guided educational tour of Israel. Our next travel dates are in October this year and April 2024. Don’t miss your chance to deepen your faith by walking where the kings ruled, the prophets proclaimed, and our Savior walked. Learn more at

Mat Staver

Christians in Defense of Israel


Jerenberg, Batya. “‘Make No Mistake - US Is Embracing BDS,’ Says Trump’s Former Ambassador to Israel.” World Israel News, June 26, 2023.

Jerenberg, Batya. “US Agrees to Allow Funding Cutting-Edge Companies in Judea and Samaria.” World Israel News, October 28, 2020.