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This Simply Cannot Continue

Joe Biden champions the so-called two-state “solution.” He called last year, while in Israel, for “Two states for two peoples ... living side by side in peace and security.”

But that is sheer fantasy. Palestinian leaders do not want peaceful coexistence. Their goal is “Palestine from the river to the sea.”

President Donald Trump eliminated all U.S. aid to the Palestinians ... but Joe Biden reopened the spigots. Biden has sent more than a half-billion taxpayer dollars so far to the Palestinian Authority (PA). And the PA is using that money to pay terrorists to kill Israeli Jews. Take a moment right now to fax Congress and demand they stop using OUR money to fund the murder of Jews. — Mat


Official Palestinian TV airs maps of Israel covered with the Palestinian flag. A PA school event told students “Palestine — the entire land is ours, from the Sea to the River.”

The PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) charter calls for “armed struggle” to “liberate Palestine.” It proclaims there is a “national duty to repulse the Zionist, imperialist invasion.”

Such baseless declarations are taken as marching orders for much of Palestinian society. The PA is now a ghoulish death cult that glorifies terrorists and celebrates the murder of innocent Israelis with fireworks, celebratory gunfire and candy passed around.

And because of Joe Biden, you and I, as American taxpayers, are subsidizing this utter evil!

The PA pays a lifetime bounty of 400 to 3,500 dollars monthly to terrorists or their families for attacking or murdering an Israeli. That means the family of the terrorist who killed seven innocent people in Jerusalem will reap a huge windfall.

Under the 2018 Taylor Force Act, it is illegal for the Biden administration to send aid to the Palestinians unless and until the Palestinians STOP funding terror.

But Biden ignores the law, named in honor of Taylor Force, an Army captain and West Point graduate who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. A knife-wielding Palestinian killed Force while he was visiting Israel.

But here’s what makes this even more reprehensible. Thanks to Joe Biden, you and I as American taxpayers are subsidizing the killing!

And that must end!

Together, let’s call on House GOP leaders to exercise the power of the purse to deny Biden ANY funding for the Palestinian Authority — and terror. Fax the NOT ONE MORE DIME! SLASH PALESTINIAN AID TO ZERO! petition to Congress NOW!

I am so grateful for your friendship and support of CIDI’s vital work. Thank you!

May God bless you for standing with Israel!

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel

P.S. I ask for your generous and much-needed gift to defend Israel in 2023. Your gift now will help us fight the Biden administration’s attacks on Israel — including its outrageous decision to INVESTIGATE Israel using the FBI. Please, give generously today!

P.P.S. Don’t forget to also sign our petition.


“Financially Rewarding Terrorism in the West Bank.” GovInfo. U.S. Government Publishing Office. Accessed February 27, 2023.

Kredo, Adam. “Palestinian Government Still Pays Terrorists as U.S. Aid Dollars Flow.” The Washington Free Beacon, October 18, 2022.