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Terrorist Hailed As "Role Model"

President Donald Trump eliminated all U.S. aid to the Palestinians — but Joe Biden opened the spigots. He has sent more than a half billion in taxpayer dollars so far to the Palestinian Authority (PA). They, in turn, use those funds to pay lifetime rewards to terrorists who murder Jews.


Over the last few weeks, Palestinian terrorists have stepped up their game, attacking and killing innocent Israeli civilians in their quest to eradicate Jews from the Holy Land.


I want to give you one more chilling example of the Palestinian Authority’s hideous “cash for killing” terror rewards program.

Just last month, Israel released Karim Younis, a Palestinian who spent 40 years behind bars for killing an Israeli soldier. Because of that crime, he returned home to a hero’s welcome at his Muslim village in northern Israel. A villager carried Younis on his shoulders celebrating his 1980 murder of an off-duty Israeli Defense Forces soldier.

“I am proud to be one of those who sacrificed for Palestine,” Younis said upon his release.

Mahmoud Abbas hailed this murderer as a “role model of the nation and this people.” Younis and other Palestinian terrorists, Abbas declared, are “stars in the firmament of the Palestinian people’s struggle.”

Younis is also well-off. The Palestinian Authority has paid him nearly 100,000 dollars for his crime — and the compensation will keep coming for the rest of his life.

And so will Palestinian aid, courtesy of American taxpayers — unless you and I raise our voice.

Will you join me and others now in calling on House GOP leaders to cut Palestinian aid? Sign our NOT ONE MORE DIME! SLASH PALESTINIAN AID TO ZERO! Petition and fax Congress.

Fighting the blatantly anti-Israel Biden administration is growing more challenging with every year. Your much-needed support today will help CIDI make the strong and compelling case throughout Congress, Washington D.C., and the world for why America should stand with Israel.

And you will bring comfort to Zion — showing Israelis that Christians stand with them.

May God bless you for standing with Israel!

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel