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One Mother "Sits Shiva" While Another Gets Paid

Devorah Paley sat shiva last week, the weeklong Jewish tradition for mourning the death of a loved one. A Palestinian terrorist killed her sons and left her husband hospitalized in serious condition. Meanwhile, the Palestinian Authority (PA) is preparing to pay the terrorist’s family their bounty — up to 3,500 dollars per month for life — for murdering Devorah’s sons.

The Republican House, as keepers of the government purse, can stop funding terrorists with our hard-earned tax dollars. Fax Congress now and demand they STOP funding Palestinian terror. Then read on to learn what happened to Devorah’s family. — Mat


Last Friday, Yaakov Yisrael Paley, 5, and his brother, Asher Menahem Paley, 7, waited with their older brother and father at an East Jerusalem bus stop. The family was embarking on a long-awaited family celebration. But not everyone in the large family could fit in the car. So, Dad and the boys waited for the bus that would reunite the family for their special Shabbat.

But the celebration never took place, thanks to 31-year-old Hussein Qaraqa. As Avraham escorted his two small boys to the bus stop, Qaraqa hit the accelerator and rammed his car into the family and the nearly full bus shelter.

Devorah’s older son called her screaming that there had been an attack on the bus stop. He was only lightly injured, but he could not find his father or his little brothers. Though several months pregnant, Devorah rushed to the scene in hopes of helping her older son find his brothers and father.

Devorah reached the chaotic scene, and her heart sank. Bodies were strewn around the twisted wreckage of the bus shelter and the crumpled blue Mazda whose grill was stuck on the bus stop sign. This was a major terror attack, and “my family is at the center of it,” she said.

“At a certain point, someone came up to me and asked me if I can identify a boy,” Devorah said. The child was Yaakov, the life crushed out of his young body. Devorah’s youngest son was dead.

Seven-year-old Asher had been rushed to the hospital but was overcome by his injuries the next day.

The terrorist’s actions also killed 20-year-old newlywed Alter Shlomo Lederman. He and his wife of two months were on their way to his parent’s house for shabbat dinner.

Devorah’s husband remains hospitalized in serious condition and does not yet know about the death of two of his sons.

“We hope that when he wakes up, God will give him the strength to face a new reality,” Devorah told local news reporters.

The terrorist’s social media pages were littered with posts celebrating terror incidents. He celebrated terrorists who attack Israelis, writing “Glory to the pure souls,” referring to the attackers.

As Devorah and her family sat shiva, the PA was preparing the monthly bounty that will be paid to the terrorist’s family. For killing Israelis, the PA will pay Hussein Qaraqa’s family a bounty of up to 3,500 dollars per month for life.

And Joe Biden is unlawfully keeping the PA coffers FULL, sending OUR hard-earned tax money to the PA so it can continue paying yet more bounties on Israeli heads.

But the U.S. House of Representatives has the power of the purse ... and is now led by Republicans, not Nancy Pelosi ... so you and I have a real chance of seeing Palestinian aid cut to zero this year!

Will you join me in calling on House GOP leaders to eliminate all aid to the Palestinian Authority?

Fighting the blatantly anti-Israel Biden administration is growing more challenging with every year. Your much-needed support today will help CIDI make the strong and compelling case throughout Congress, Washington D.C., and the world for why America should stand with Israel.

And you will bring comfort to Zion — showing Israelis that Christians stand with them.

May God bless you for standing with Israel!

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel

P.S. I ask for your generous and much-needed gift to defend Israel in 2023. Your gift now will help us fight the Biden administration’s attacks on Israel — including its outrageous decision to INVESTIGATE Israel using the FBI. Please, give generously today!

P.P.S. Don’t forget to fax Congress now! Please also sign our petition.


Fabian, Emanuel. “Two killed in Jerusalem terror ramming, including 6-year-old boy; driver shot dead.” The Times of Israel, February 10, 2023.

“‘Now they are together in heaven,’ mourns mother of boys slain in Jerusalem ramming.” The Times of Israel, February 13, 2023.

‌Pollak, Joel B. “Terrorist Kills 7, Wounds 10 in Jerusalem Synagogue Attack on International Holocaust Day.” Breitbart, January 27, 2023.