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U.S. Taxpayers Are Paying For This

A Palestinian terrorist chose International Holocaust Remembrance Day to attack a Jerusalem synagogue. Seven people were killed and at least 10 more were wounded after a 21-year-old Palestinian man entered the temple and gunned down attendees at evening prayer.

Celebratory fireworks were set off in Arab sections of Jerusalem and around the country celebrating the terrorist’s kills. And now, thanks to Joe Biden’s unlawful Palestinian funding, YOU are footing the bill for the Palestinian Authority (PA) to pay this terrorist’s family a lifetime bounty of up to 3,500 dollars per month for killing Jews.

The Republican House, as keepers of the government purse, can stop funding terrorists with our hard-earned tax dollars. Fax Congress now and demand they STOP funding Palestinian terror. Then read on for the news. —Mat

Joe Biden phoned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to condemn the “horrific” terror attack.

But he didn’t condemn the bloodthirsty Palestinian crowds . . . or the Palestinian Authority (PA) that praised the killer, calling him a “martyr” — a high honor in Islam.


Nor did Biden denounce “pay to slay” — the despicable Palestinian program that gives terrorists lifetime monthly payments. “Pay to slay” lavishes millions each year on bloodstained terrorists who maim or murder Israelis — or Americans.

The PA pays a lifetime bounty of 400 to 3,500 dollars monthly to terrorists or their families for attacking or murdering an Israeli. That means the family of the terrorist who killed seven innocent people in Jerusalem will reap a huge windfall.

Under the 2018 Taylor Force Act, it is illegal for the Biden administration to send aid to the Palestinians unless and until the Palestinians STOP funding terror.

But Biden ignores the law, named in honor of Taylor Force, an Army captain and West Point graduate who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. A knife-wielding Palestinian killed Force while he was visiting Israel.

But here is what makes this even more reprehensible — Thanks to Joe Biden, you and I as U.S. taxpayers are subsidizing the killing!


President Donald Trump eliminated all U.S. aid to the Palestinians, but Joe Biden opened the spigots. He has sent more than a half billion in taxpayer dollars so far to the Palestinian Authority.

And because money is fungible, that funding helps Mahmoud Abbas, the petty tyrant who leads the corrupt PA, meet his monthly “pay to slay” obligations, which are substantial. In 2021 alone, the Palestinian Authority showered more than 270 million dollars on terrorists or their families.

This is beyond sick — and it must STOP!

That is why I am asking for your help.

Because the U.S. House of Representatives has the power of the purse ... and is now led by Republicans ... and not Nancy Pelosi ... you and I have a real chance of seeing Palestinian aid cut to zero this year!

Will you join me in calling on House GOP leaders to eliminate all aid to the Palestinian Authority?

Fighting the blatantly anti-Israel Biden administration is growing more challenging with every year. Your much-needed support today will help CIDI make the strong and compelling case throughout Congress, Washington D.C., and the world for why America should stand with Israel.

And you will bring comfort to Zion — showing Israelis that Christians stand with them.

May God bless you for standing with Israel!

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel

P.S. You can also sign a petition by selecting here.


Pollak, Joel B. “Terrorist Kills 7, Wounds 10 in Jerusalem Synagogue Attack on International Holocaust Day.” Breitbart, January 27, 2023.