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The Most Contested Real Estate On Earth

Jerusalem’s Temple Mount is the most contested plot of real estate on the planet. It is sovereign Israeli territory, administered by Muslim Jordan in a discriminatory fashion that treats Jews as second-class citizens who cannot even pray on Judaism’s holiest site! This is anti-Jewish bigotry — and it must change. — Mat

Sign our special “Let My People Pray” petition and fax Congress now! Urge an end to the discriminatory and bigoted “status quo” that Team Biden is enforcing on the Jewish people.

Global outrage rained down on Israel in early January after Itamar Ben Gvir, Israel’s minister of national security, took a 13-minute early morning walk on the Temple Mount.

Furious Palestinians demanded a U.N. Security Council meeting to address the uneventful and peaceful visit. Muslims visit and pray routinely without interruption on the Temple Mount. But the presence of one Jew at Judaism’s holiest site provoked an international incident!

The over-the-top international reaction vividly displayed the spiritual and geopolitical significance of this plot of land — the most contested real estate on the planet. It is the place from which Jesus Christ will rule and reign when He returns. But it is also where Muslims believe their so-called “messiah,” the Mahdi, will rule when he appears.

The Biden administration was decidedly not in Israel’s corner after Ben Gvir’s visit. It lashed out at the Jewish state for allegedly disrupting the Temple Mount “status quo” and opening the door to violence.

State Department spokesman Ned Price said the U.S. is “deeply concerned by the visit of the Israeli minister at the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif (the Islamic name for the site). This visit has the potential of exacerbating tensions and leading to violence.”

Without U.S. objection, the U.N. Security Council convened to chastise the Jewish state for the grave sin of a Jew walking on Judaism’s holiest site. At the meeting, Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Gilad Erdan fiercely protested the session designed to attack Israel.

Israel needs our help more than ever. Fax YOUR SIGNED COPY of our powerful petition to Congress now. Urge them to end the discriminatory and bigoted “status quo” that Team Biden is enforcing on the Jewish people.

The reaction to Ben Gvir’s Temple Mount walk also shows why Israel needs vocal and well-positioned advocates like CIDI in its corner. Please stand with CIDI to defend and bless Israel, which is increasingly alone and under a harsh spotlight on the international stage. Please help fund our work with a generous donation today.

May God bless you for standing with Israel!

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel


“Ben Gvir Visits Temple Mount for 1st Time as Minister, despite Indicating he’d delay.” The Times of Israel, January 3, 2023.

Tress, Luke. “‘Poison, Lies’: Israeli, Palestinian Envoys Spar at Fiery UN Session on Temple Mount.” The Times of Israel, January 6, 2023.