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New Year, Ongoing Threats

In an unprecedented move, Joe Biden recently named a pro-Palestinian enemy of Israel — a man “inspired by the intifada” — to boost Palestinian statehood, divide Jerusalem and more. But you and I can STOP Biden’s dangerous scheme, especially as a new Congress takes control of the purse strings. — Mat

Protect Israel by demanding Congress DEFUND Biden’s newly invented anti-Israel “Special Representative for Palestinian Affairs” position.

As 2022 came to an end, Joe Biden showed his hand.

Biden touts his undying friendship and support for Israel. He glad-hands Israeli leaders and grins broadly while doing it.

But here is the reality: Joe Biden is the most hostile-to-Israel occupant of the Oval Office in U.S. history ... bar none. Let me give you the latest glaring example.

In late November, Biden took the unprecedented step of creating a new post solely focused on advancing the Palestinian cause. And he named an enemy of Israel to fill it!

As I have said many times when it comes to Joe Biden and Israel ... you just can’t make this stuff up!

You and I, as friends of Israel, must respond! And I will tell you how in just a minute. But first, a few facts ...

Biden’s new envoy to the Palestinians is Hady Amr, a man with a long history of sharp, biting criticism of the Jewish state — and SILENCE when it comes to unhinged Palestinians who butcher Israeli Jews.


Biden tapped a man who said he was “inspired by the Palestinian intifada”— the brutal Palestinian terror campaign that killed and wounded Israeli Jews—to be his “Special Representative for Palestinian Affairs.”

Born in Beirut and raised in Saudi Arabia and the U.S., Amr is a Muslim who fasts at Ramadan, made a pilgrimage to Mecca and once declared, “My faith [i.e., Islam] inspires my own work.” Amr brings to his new post a long trail of vicious and false accusations against Israel. He has charged the Jewish state with:

  • “brutal attacks against [Palestinian] civilians.”

  • “ethnic cleansing.”

  • an “ongoing illegal occupation.”

At the same time, Amr is totally silent about the gruesome incitement to violence in official Palestinian media ... the grooming for jihad in Palestinian classrooms.

He is quiet as a mouse about the Palestinian terror spree waged on Israelis. He has no words of condemnation for the Palestinian terrorists who slaughtered 29 Israelis last year in more than 2,200 attacks, nor the increasing number of terrorist attacks on Israelis this year.

Thankfully, the newly seated U.S. Congress offers us an opportunity to stop Joe Biden and his anti-Israel appointee in their tracks. As holders of the government purse strings, Congress must defund this newly invented position of Biden’s!

Fighting the blatantly anti-Israel Biden administration is growing more challenging with every new year. Your much-needed support today will help CIDI make a strong and compelling case throughout Congress, Washington D.C., and the world for why America should stand with Israel.

And you will bring comfort to Zion when you take action to STOP this outrage—showing Israelis that Christians stand with them.

May God bless you for standing with Israel!

Mat Staver

Christians in Defense of Israel


Greenfield, Daniel. “The Problem with Hady Amr.” JNS, February 4, 2021.