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Condemned More Than Any Other Country In the World

The United Nations’ voting record is beginning to look more than a bit antisemitic. Over the course of the last seven years, the U.N. has condemned and issued resolutions upon Israel more than twice the number of all other nations combined.

Sadly, you and I are paying for it.

It is time to stop giving our hard-earned money to a reckless and antisemitic international “governing body.” With a new Congress controlling the purse strings, it is time to DEFUND THE U.N. Read on. — Mat

China, which continues to weld disobedient people into their houses, was not condemned once by the U.N. in 2022. Neither was Venezuela, which actively guns down political dissidents in the streets.

But Israel was condemned by the United Nations a total of 15 times last year—more than any other country in the world.

Even Russia, with its ongoing, active slaughter of Ukrainian civilians, was only condemned by the U.N. six times.

UN Watch Director Hillel Neuer is disappointed, saying the “UN Charter promise of equal treatment to all nations, large and small," is being eroded by “politicization.”

"The UN's disproportionate assault against the Jewish state undermines the credibility of what is meant to be an impartial world body," Neuer says.

This is not a new phenomenon. It has been going on for years. From 2015 to 2022, the United Nations adopted 140 anti-Israel resolutions. All other countries combined during that same period received only 68 negative resolutions.

The United Nations’ anti-Israel bias is clear and undeniable. And it is high time we stopped funding it.

A new Congress took over yesterday, and as you may recall, the House of Representatives controls the U.S. government’s purse strings. Let’s make it clear to every single Republican that we will not continue to pay for anti-Israel hate!

Please take a moment right now to fax the new Congress and sign our petition demanding they DEFUND the U.N.

Your much-needed support today will help CIDI make the strong and compelling case for why America should stand with Israel. You will bring comfort to Zion—showing Israelis that Christians stand with them.

Thank you for the good you do as you stand with, defend and BLESS Israel!

Mat Staver
Christians in Defense of Israel


‌“2022-2023 UNGA Resolutions on Israel vs. Rest of the World.” UN Watch, November 14, 2022.

“Coronavirus: Residents ‘Welded’ inside Their Own Homes in China.” LBC, February 20, 2020.

Hubbard, Madeleine. “United Nations Condemned Israel More than All Other Countries Combined Last Year, Watchdog Says.” Just the News, January 3, 2023.